Young Adults Disagree With Stay-At-Home Moms’ 50% Financial Entitlement – “She should get a job”

By: Georgia | Last updated: Nov 11, 2023

In the changing landscape of societal norms and gender roles, questions surrounding the financial entitlements of stay-at-home mothers during divorces have arisen. 

Jas Billian, a content creator, ventured into this delicate terrain, capturing varied perspectives in a TikTok video that aimed to explore this complex issue further.

Gathering Opinions

Billian, armed with a microphone, sought out young adults to gather opinions on a sensitive topic. The focus was on whether stay-at-home moms should be entitled to half of the marital assets during a divorce. 


Source: Jas Billian/TikTok

The responses offered a glimpse into the contemporary outlook on financial independence and marital asset division post-separation.


Initial Feedback

The first respondents, two women, expressed mixed feelings. They believed the division of assets could be dependent on outstanding debts. 


Source: Jas Billian/TikTok

However, the scenario changed for them when the woman in question was a stay-at-home mom. In such a case, they expressed a consensus that a lack of a formal career meant no entitlement.

Further Reactions

As the inquiry proceeded, the answers became more straightforward. One respondent was unambiguous about her stance on financial autonomy.


Source: Jas Billian/TikTok

The sentiment of self-reliance was evident, as was the idea that financial dependency, even within the context of a marital partnership, was a personal failing, not warranting financial entitlement after a divorce.

Male Respondents’ Perspective

Young men who were interviewed expressed a unanimous perspective – no financial entitlement for stay-at-home moms post-divorce. 


Source: Jas Billian/TikTok

Their stance was rooted in the idea of individual financial responsibility. The nurturing and upbringing of children, though vital, did not, in their view, equate to a financial claim on the marital assets post-divorce.

The Reality of Stay-At-Home Parenthood

The Pew Research Center provides data indicating that approximately one in five U.S. parents are stay-at-home. 

Source: Omar Lopez/Unsplash

Despite popular misconceptions, this role is multifaceted and demanding, contradicting the narrative that stay-at-home parents do not engage in ‘real work’ and hence, should not have significant claims during divorce settlements.


Emotional and Physical Challenges

A Gallup poll, which surveyed over 60,000 U.S. women, revealed that stay-at-home moms are prone to experiencing depression, sadness, and stress at higher rates. 

Source: Vitolda Klein/Unsplash

The role extends beyond standard working hours, and the constant need for attention and responsiveness is a prominent feature of their daily lives, underscoring the intensity of their role.


Emotional Labor and Family Support

Stay-at-home moms frequently manage the emotional needs of their children and provide primary support to family members. This emotional labor, although significant, is often unacknowledged. 

Source: Documerica/Unsplash

These contributions, not readily quantifiable, introduce complexity into conversations around financial entitlement and the division of assets in divorce scenarios.


The Contemporary Stance

The youth interviewed by Billian echoed sentiments of financial autonomy and individual responsibility. 

Source: engin akyurt/Unsplash

The value of stay-at-home parenthood was seemingly overlooked, raising questions about the assessment of contribution and worth in the context of marriage, and subsequently, divorce.


The Evolving Dialogue Around Marriage, Divorce, and Financial Entitlement

Billian’s TikTok video symbolizes the beginning of a broader conversation rather than a conclusive statement.

Source: Chloe Skinner/Unsplash

It encourages society to engage with the complexities surrounding evolving norms, and the financial implications of divorce, especially when one partner has assumed the role of a stay-at-home parent, a role often misunderstood and undervalued.


Assessing the Value and Contributions of Stay-At-Home Parents

The intricate dynamics of marriage, divorce, and financial settlements are bringing the role of stay-at-home parents into sharper focus. The contributions of these individuals, though significant, are often undervalued due to their intangible nature.

Source: Alexander Grey/Unsplash

The evolving conversation seeks to reassess and quantify these contributions in the context of financial divisions during divorce.


Anticipating the Future of Marital Asset Division

As societal narratives continue to evolve, the conversation surrounding the financial entitlements of stay-at-home parents during divorces remains open-ended. 

Source: Liana Mikah/Unsplash

With each case presenting unique dynamics, the societal outlook, legal frameworks, and individual perspectives converge to shape the unfolding narrative of financial division and entitlement in the contemporary and future landscape of divorce.
