UFO Hunter Claims There Is a Massive Spacecraft Hidden Under a Famous U.S. Landmark
If there’s one question that has occupied mankind more than any other ever since we started to understand more about the nature of the universe, it may be this: are we alone?
A lot of theories abound, some more plausible-sounding than others, but what is lacking is concrete proof. Well, that may not be the case for much longer. An independent extraterrestrial researcher believes a massive alien spaceship is right here on Earth, hiding in plain sight.
Life Beyond Earth
There was a time when the notion of life beyond Earth was relegated purely to the realms of science fiction. However, it seems as each year passes, the notion that life exists on other planets becomes less farfetched.
Organized research efforts search for life among the stars, while there are plenty of anecdotal accounts of people who claim to have seen UFOs flying through the sky or some who even say they’ve met aliens in person.
UFOs in the U.S.
Throughout the history of UFO hunting and the search for alien life through the 20th century, a common theme emerged of government secrecy around the subject. Many people point to the Roswell incident as proof that the U.S. military is aware of alien visits to our planet and has suppressed this knowledge.
The official hunt for extraterrestrial life has become a little more transparent as time’s gone on, with the U.S. government setting up the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) which, according to its website, works to “address Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) using a rigorous scientific framework and a data-driven approach.”
Kept Secret From the Public
Several government initiatives and scientific research bodies are now involved in a transparent search for extraterrestrial life, which includes examining UAP footage.
However, many in the field of alien investigation argue that knowledge is still being kept from the public. Among those claiming governments know significantly more than they’re willing to admit is Australian investigative journalist Ross Coulthart.
Massive Alien Ship Buried on Earth?
Speaking to the YouTube channel Project Unity, Coulthart made a pretty wild claim: an enormous alien spacecraft is here on Earth. What’s more, it’s buried beneath a famous landmark.
Coulthart was cagey about naming this landmark, though in the interview he stated that the landmark was specifically built on top of the craft because it was too big to move.
The Hidden Craft
Coulthart describes this hidden mystery craft as non-human in origin. Though he didn’t give specifics in terms of a location during the Project Unity interview, Coulthart asserts to know exactly where it is.
He stated: “I know exactly where it is. I thought it was b*****ks when I heard it, too.” He stressed the size of the craft as the reason for its hiding in plain sight like this, saying, “Some of these objects are not capable of being moved because they’re too bloody big.”
Where Is it Buried?
Obviously, Coulthart’s revelation sent a wave of speculation through the UFO community. People couldn’t help but speculate and theorize as to where exactly this giant alien craft could be buried.
A popular theory is that it’s hidden under one of the many prominent landmarks in South Korea. Others believe Coulthart was being deceptive with how he chose his words during the interview and that the craft is, in fact, buried under a U.S. military base.
U.S. Military Whistleblower
Coulthart’s name will be a familiar one to anybody scouring the headlines for UFO stories. He interviewed whistleblower David Grusch, who spoke about the U.S. military’s collection of alien artifacts.
Grusch, an Air Force veteran and former member of the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena task force (now AARO), claims the military has an extensive collection of alien spacecraft and even has the remains of several alien lifeforms in its possession.
Collecting Alien Technology
Grusch claims that during his time with the task force, he was entrusted with many secrets regarding the military’s experience with extraterrestrials and was even told about several alien spacecraft.
Speaking to Coulthart, Grusch stated, “These are retrieving non-human origin technical vehicles, call it spacecraft if you will, non-human exotic origin vehicles that have either landed or crashed.”
Uncovering the Secrets
Continuing the discussion, Gusch tells Coulthart of his own initial skepticism surrounding these spacecraft: “I thought it was totally nuts, and I thought at first I was being deceived; it was a ruse.”
But the stories kept piling up. “People started to confide in me. Approach me. I have plenty of senior, former intelligence officers that came to me, many of whom I knew almost my whole career, who confided in me that they were part of a program.”
Decades of Government Work
During the interview, Gusch elaborated on the scope of the military’s investigation of extraterrestrials, claiming the government has been actively recovering alien spacecraft for decades.
In a separate interview with NewsNation, Grush again spoke of the alien secrets the government might be hiding: “Well, naturally, when you recover something that’s either landed or crashed. Sometimes you encounter dead pilots. And believe it or not, as fantastical as that sounds, it’s true.”
Are We Alone?
The claims made by Grusch and Coulthart bring us back to this fundamental question regarding our place in the universe — are we alone? Many feel that we are not, simply given the odds against there being no other intelligent life but ours in a near-infinite universe.
Others in the UFO community are even more certain in their convictions, believing we are close to the disclosure of real evidence that aliens have visited our planet. Ask Grusch, and he is firm in his belief: “The data points, quite empirically, that we’re not alone.”