Trump’s Net Worth Increases, Making Him One of the World’s Richest 500 People

By: Lauren | Published: Apr 06, 2024

Almost every US president has had a considerable amount of wealth, but former president Donald Trump was unquestionably the richest man to ever hold the title. 

Now, nearly four years after he lost to current President Joe Biden, Donald Trump is running for president again and he’s considerably richer than he was back then. In fact, as one of the 500 richest people in the world, if Trump takes back the Oval Office, he will beat his last record for wealthiest president ever by more than 200%. 

Donald Trump’s Personal Wealth

Trying to get an exact number for Donald Trump’s net worth has always been challenging. Reports have varied over the past decade from $1 billion to $3.1 billion and everywhere in between. 

Photograph of one of Donald Trump’s real estate holdings, Trump Tower

Source: iStock

The reason why the former president’s vast and successful businessman’s fortune is difficult to calculate is that so much of his money is either invested in the stock market or in his mass number of real estate holdings. However, as of February 2024, the most accurate estimation was that Trump had a net worth of about $2.6 billion


Trump Almost Lost Everything on March 25, 2024

Monday, March 25, 2024, is a day Donald Trump will remember for the rest of his life. That day, his entire world was set to crumble, but instead, the complete opposite occurred. 

Donald Trump looks sadly at the camera during an interview in the Oval Office

Source: @Transition2017/YouTube

March 25 was the due date for the nearly $500 million bond Trump owed the New York court system. The judge had ruled against him exactly one month before, and set a $464 million judgment fine to be paid within 30 days. Trump then announced he planned to appeal the decision and wanted the fine withdrawn. 

The Fight Against the Bond

However, the judge then ruled the former president still had to pay the nearly half a billion dollars, and it would be held on bond until his appeal was either approved or denied. 

Paperwork for a loan application with a red “Rejected” stamp on the front

Source: iStock

Trump’s lawyers then filed a 5,000 page document, saying the billionaire inquired at more than 30 financial institutions for a loan, and none would approve it. They contested the bond should be much smaller, as $464 million was simply unheard of and, more importantly, impossible. 

Trump Got What He Wanted From the Courts and More

Finally, when it seemed like Trump was going to have to cough up $464 million of his own money to pay the exceedingly high bond, the courts sided with Trump and reduced the fine to $175 million. Which the multi-billionaire was happy to pay. 

Donald Trump smiles at the crowd during an event

Source: Shutterstock

And in an almost unbelievable turn of events, Trump didn’t just save a few hundred million on March 25; he actually made over $4 billion. 

Forever a Brilliant Businessman

There’s no doubt that Donald Trump was one of the most controversial presidents of all time. However, there are few who can deny that he has been wildly successful in business. 

Logo for Trump Media & Technology Group in white and blue/Photograph of the TMTG stock rising on the NYSE

Source: @TMTG/Linkedin/@ScrippsNews/YouTube

And on March 25, 2024, Trump once again successfully merged his social media company Trump Media & Technology Group officially merged with Digital World Acquisition Corp and made himself and his shareholders billions of dollars in minutes


Watching His Personal Net Worth Soar

Byt the end of the day, the newest estimate for Trump’s personal net worth was a whopping $6.5 billion. Now, just two days later, Forbes has increased that number to $7.1 billion

Digital illustration of a climbing stock market with a large green arrow

Source: iStock

If Forbes’ calculations are correct, Trump is officially one of the 500 richest people in the world. In fact, today, March 27, he is number 386. 


Trump Finally Made It on the Bloomberg Billionaires Index

That list of the 500 wealthiest people in the world is known as the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. While Trump has always been incredibly well off, he has actually never made it onto the list, until now. 

Logo for the Bloomberg Billionaires Index in black, white, and green

Source: Wikipedia

The 58% stake in his social media company immediately pushed him up the list. However, just like every other one of the 499 billionaires on that list, it’s not exactly Trump’s money yet. 


It’s Not Exactly Trump’s Money… Yet

While making this elite list is certainly a big deal, it’s important to understand that the vast majority of Trump’s new fortune will not be accessible for at least six months. 

A $100 bill is locked up in a chain

Source: Freepik

Although absolutely anything can happen on the stock market over 180 days, most experts assume that Trump’s company will continue to make money and when the time comes, his payout will be absolutely outrageous. 


What Could Make Trump Happier Than $4 Billion?

The former president has yet to make a public statement regarding the merger or his feelings on suddenly being $4 billion richer than he was last week.

Donald Trump looks frustrated while speaking at an event

Source: Shutterstock

Only those who know him personally would know the answer, but many are wondering if Trump cares more about returning to the Oval Office or becoming one of the richest people on the planet.


What Does Trump’s New Money Mean for His Campaign?

Over the past month, the Republican party’s lack of funding for Trump’s campaign has been making headlines all over the world. The GOP spent a small fortune on the candidate’s court cases over the past few months, and many were worried they wouldn’t have enough to finish out the final few months before the election.

Donald Trump points at the audience while speaking into a microphone at an event

Source: Shutterstock

Now, whether or not Trump will use his new-found money to reimburse the Republican Party and pay for the campaign is yet to be seen. But he could if he wanted to. 


Many Vote for Trump Based on His Success

There’s no way to know who will win the presidential election in November. Although it’s still several months away, because of the candidates’ polarizing views, the vast majority of Americans already know who they are going to vote for. 

Digital illustration of an American flag

Source: Freepik

However, some argue that many Americans who are on the fence may lean toward Trump as their next president, solely because, if nothing else, he is one of the most successful (and richest) men alive. 
