Trump Claims He Was Only President to Lose Money While in White House, Critics Are Furious

By: Georgia | Last updated: Nov 09, 2023

At a recent GOP fundraiser event held in Rapid City, former President Donald Trump made a significant declaration regarding his financial status during his presidency.

He asserted that his tenure as President of the United States led him to forgo several financial opportunities that would have been beneficial for him.

Quantifying the Loss

During the speech, Trump claimed “I’m the only president who ever lost money while serving in office… I lost a number of billions! I could’ve made a fortune.”


Source: Getty Images

These words echoed in the packed room, prompting listeners to ponder this revelation. The claim aimed to offer an inside look at the financial repercussions of his presidency, an aspect not often discussed openly.


The Abstained Opportunities

Trump further elucidated on missed financial opportunities, stating, “I could’ve gone to these countries and made deals… I told my kids ‘Don’t do deals.’” This assertion was notable, spotlighting the restraint exercised during his presidency.


Source: Getty Images

A self-imposed standard of conduct that, according to Trump, prevented potential business deals, consequently leading to a financial forfeiture.

The Public Reacts to the Statement

Reactions to Trump’s revelation were mixed. While attendees at the fundraiser were supportive, responses on social media were more diverse.


Source: Getty Images

One user humorously questioned the authenticity of Trump’s claim by proposing an alternative narrative, in which Trump professed to making a fortune, highlighting the varied interpretations of his statements.

Sarcasm and Skepticism

Social media was ablaze with comments. One user, perhaps with a tinge of sarcasm, commended Trump’s “noble sacrifice.”


Source: dole777/Unsplash

These online platforms showcased a myriad of reactions, reflecting the public’s divided stance. Every word of Trump’s claim was scrutinized and debated, underlining the significant impact of his statements.

Financial Gain Accusations

Another user with a different perspective asserted that, “Trump made more money, illegally, while in office than most people make in a lifetime.”

Source: Getty Images

This counter-narrative, accusing Trump of financial gain during his presidency, underscored the controversy and conflicting opinions surrounding his financial dealings, an issue that continues to be a significant topic of discussion.


The Trump Children’s Involvement

One comment highlighted Trump’s mention of his children’s desire to engage in overseas deals. The user pointed out the apparent admission, indicating the children’s interest in international business dealings.

Source: Getty Images

This revelation opened avenues for further discussions and debates, spotlighting the intricate dynamics of presidential ethics and business interests.


A Return to Business

A suggestion for Trump to revert to business, if financial gain was a concern, was made by another user. The comment demonstrated the public’s awareness of Trump’s business background.

Source: Getty Images

It highlighted the ongoing dialogue regarding the intersection of presidency and personal financial interests, a topic often revisited in discussions about Trump’s tenure.


Endorsement Amidst Controversy

In the midst of the unfolding narrative, South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem endorsed Trump. She expressed firm support, stating, “He is the leader, the fighter that our country needs.”

Source: Getty Images

Amid the varying opinions and debates surrounding Trump’s financial claims, Noem’s endorsement introduced a political dimension, highlighting Trump’s continued significance in the political arena.


Political Implications on the Endorsement

Noem’s endorsement sparked conversations about Trump’s potential 2024 presidential run. In the wake of financial revelations, the political landscape appeared charged with anticipation.

Source: Getty Images

The endorsement, juxtaposed against the backdrop of financial claims, showcased the complex interplay of politics, public perception, and the former president’s personal narrative.


A National Discourse

Trump’s claim continued to resonate, eliciting diverse reactions nationwide. The former president’s statements, unambiguous and direct, were dissected and analyzed across various platforms.

Source: Getty Images

The financial assertions, though personal, had transcended into a national discourse, reflecting the profound impact of presidential narratives on public perception and national conversation.


The Debate Continues

The aftermath of Trump’s speech left a persistent echo in public and political spheres. Discussions regarding his financial dealings during his presidency remained prevalent.

Source: Getty Images

Each perspective, whether supportive, critical, or speculative, contributes to an evolving narrative. This continuing saga underscores the enduring impact and intrigue surrounding Trump’s financial and political legacy.
