Texas Is Now Going Through a Housing Affordability Crisis

By: Julia Mehalko | Published: Aug 08, 2024

A new study has revealed that a whopping 90% of Texans believe that housing affordability has become a major issue where they live.

This new study further confirms what many analysts have long been warning. Texas, a once affordable state, has become increasingly expensive for renters and homeowners.

A New Study Sheds Light on Texas’ Housing Crisis

Texas may be going through a housing affordability crisis, as pointed out in a new poll released by the University of Houston and Texas Southern University.

An exterior view of a home in Texas.

Source: Daniel L/Unsplash

This poll asked many Texans, living in various parts of the state, about any issues they may have with housing.


90% of Texans Think Housing Is Too High

According to this survey, 90% of Texans think that housing affordability is a major problem in the area that they live in.

An aerial view of homes in a Texas suburb.

Source: J King/Unsplash

Meanwhile, more than half of polled Texans revealed that they have faced financial strain because of housing costs in the Lone Star State.

This Isn’t a Partisan Issue

Perhaps most remarkably, this study also confirmed that this isn’t a partisan issue at all. Regardless of political party, all Texans agreed that that state has a housing crisis

An American flag and a Texas flag on a pole.

Source: Faith Nuckels/Unsplash

Housing has simply become too expensive for many in the state. Both homeowners and renters, both Democrats and Republicans, are struggling to afford these rising housing costs.

All Texans Are in Agreement

Even more interesting, this poll revealed that all Texans seem to be in agreement that housing is an issue, regardless of where they live or what their background is.

An exterior view of a home in Galveston, Texas.

Source: Pixabay/Pexels

Therefore, political party, income level, education, race, gender, and where these respondents lived in Texas didn’t change how most Texans viewed housing.

Signs of a Major Housing Crisis

Many analysts have stated that this apparent agreement further shows just how difficult Texas’ housing crisis may be.

A row of homes behind a pond in Texas.

Source: Luis Rodriguez/Unsplash

Political science professor Mark Jones said, “To have nine out of 10 Texans agree on anything is really tough. I think what that says is that at the very highest level, housing affordability is an issue that transcends partisan politics.”


Why Texas Now Has a Housing Crisis

For years now, Texas lawmakers have blasted states like California, as they’ve said these states have out-of-control housing costs that have made it hard for residents to own homes.

A view of a downtown street with buildings in Galveston, Texas.

Source: Lily Miller/Unsplash

It appears that Texas is going through a similar housing crisis to the Golden State. This crisis is driven by an influx of new residents who have flocked to the once-affordable Texas.


A Housing Shortage

Many people have decided to move to Texas because it is cheaper than other states. This has helped with the state’s overall robust economic growth.

An aerial view of a Dallas neighborhood.

Source: Daniel L/Unsplash

However, a housing supply shortage hasn’t helped at all. As a result, this has driven up home prices around the state. Some Texans even feel like they’ve been pushed out of the housing market, as it has become so unaffordable.


How to Fix This Issue

This poll also looked at how Texans want this issue fixed. Here, there are definite differences in opinion.

An exterior view of a new home.

Source: Binyamin Mellish/Pexels

About 54% of Texans think that the state or local government should do something to fix this crisis. Meanwhile, 26% oppose the government increasing the amount of affordable housing for middle or lower-income residents. About 20% were left undecided.


The Government May Help Out

Even Republican and Democratic lawmakers in Texas have realized that something has to be done with this housing crisis, especially as it could soon spiral out of control.

A look up at the Texas Capitol in Austin.

Source: Franky Magana/Unsplash

Lawmakers have suggested that this issue may soon be dealt with when they eventually convene sometime next year.


Easing Zoning Rules

Lawmakers may decide to loosen up city rules and zoning regulations, which decide what land — and how much land — can be used to build homes.

An external view of the Texas Capitol building in Austin.

Source: Mitchell Kmetz/Unsplash

As Texas needs more homes built to combat the demand for houses, easing up these zoning regulations could help bring affordability back to the housing market. Both Democrats and Republicans have suggested they would be for these types of decisions.


Will Texas Become Unaffordable?

Some Texans are worried that the once-affordable state has become increasingly unaffordable for many lower and middle-class residents.

A bird’s eye view of downtown Austin, Texas.

Source: MJ Tangonan/Unsplash

If this housing crisis cannot be fixed in the near future, analysts have stated that Texas could soon join the ranks of states like California when it comes to housing affordability.
