Most of the structures on Earth today were designed and built by humans. However, if you look hard enough, you may find structures that were made before humanity came to existence.
Researchers found an ancient wooden structure dating back around 500,000 years ago. It has helped them better understand the transition from nomadic to sedentary lifestyles.
Discoveries of Historical Importance

The only way to truly determine history is by finding artifacts from various historical times that can prove or counteract previously held beliefs.
It can also provide new information that was previously unknown. One example is an 800-year-old shipwreck that had medieval gravestones nearby at the bottom of the English Channel. It wasn’t known that these gravestones were there.
Ancient Places Hold Many Mysteries

Researching and visiting places that hold a lot of ancient history is always interesting because it can prove whether a tale told throughout history is real or not and uncover new information.
One of these places is the pyramids at Giza in Egypt. Areas of these pyramids, such as the grand gallery, the limestone walls and a secret door inside them, can tell a lot about these pyramids and what happened in ancient times.
What Ancient Life Looked Like

Ancient life for those living back then looked very different from what life looks like now. Small populations of people would wander the Earth and would follow game, water and the Sun.
It was only once agriculture became known that people decided to settle down in one place for longer periods of time as opposed to leading a nomadic lifestyle.
Wood Has Always Been Important

One thing that has always been true is that wood has been necessary throughout history. Whether it was used for buildings or structures, it has been used since time began.
While wood isn’t necessarily the primary material used, as many others are now available, it is something that people living in ancient times found easily accessible for many of their needs.
Ancient Wooden Structure Found in Zambia

Archaeologists discovered an ancient wooden structure in Zambia that is believed to either date back to the Early Stone Age or Pleistocene Epoch.
The structure, believed to have been the first known use of wood, was constructed by humans, and it gives a deeper understanding of the technical abilities of early hominins.
Wooden Structure Situated in Kalambo Falls

The wooden structure was located in Kalambo Falls, a 772-foot-tall waterfall in Zambia. It is the second highest uninterrupted waterfall on the African continent.
The wooden structure includes two preserved interlocking logs joined side-by-side by an intentionally cut notch. The upper log has been purposefully shaped, and tool marks have been found on both logs. The archaeologists also found several wooden tools in the area.
Not Very Exciting at First

When the archaeologists first encountered the wooden structure, it didn’t look exciting. At first glance, it is literally just a piece of wood.
However, when the archaeologists examined it closer, they realized that it was so much more special than just a piece of wood, and it has since become an important part of history.
The Wooden Structure Changes Nomadic Ideals

The ancient wooden structure that researchers found gives a different idea as to when the nomadic lifestyle ended and the sedentary lifestyle started.
It was initially believed that sedentary lifestyles started around 15,000 years ago. However, as the wooden structure was built 500,000 years ago, this suggests that sedentary lifestyles started much longer ago than previously thought.
What the Structure Was Used For

The archaeologists involved with the discovery of this structure have a few theories as to what they could have been used for. Two theories are that it is part of a walkway or is part of the foundation of a platform.
They also believed that a platform in this era could have been used to store things, such as firewood or food to keep dry. It also could have been used to sit and make things. It even could have been used as a shelter or a place to sleep.
Ancient Uses for Wood

Before the wooden structure was found, archaeologists previously thought that wood was only used in ancient times for making fire, digging, and as spears.
However, this structure shows that ancient people used wood for a number of different reasons, not just the three previously known.
Something Never-Before-Seen

The most impressive thing about all this is that the people who built the structure would have done so using their imagination to do so.
It is believed that a structure like this wouldn’t have been seen before, so it gives us a bit of an insight into the types of things that would have been going on in their minds and how they used their intelligence and imagination.
Archaeologists Find the Remains of Noah’s Ark

Another ancient structure archaeologists have found that could also be evidence for a story that happens in the Christian Bible is Noah’s Ark.
For years, it has been believed that Mount Ararat was where Noah’s Ark finally ended up, so researchers studied the area. While it is yet to be confirmed, as many still believe that Noah’s Ark is nothing more than a made-up story, the researchers stand firm on this being the ark.
Other Biblical Structures Found

The remnants of Noah’s Ark aren’t the only Biblical structure to have potentially been found. The structure is believed to prove Moses’ exodus to the promised land.
Archaeologists were able to find stone walls and pottery that were over 3200 years old. This provides evidence of the Israelites’ settlement, which they believe is Moses’ promised land.
A Long-Lost Assyrian Military Camp Has Been Discovered

Another ancient and biblical site has been discovered — a long-lost Assyrian military camp. This discovery of this camp confirms everything but one thing.
It confirms that the war happened there, but it doesn’t confirm whether the angel of the Lord destroyed and killed over 100,000 Assyrian soldiers in one night.
People Are Ruining Ancient Artifacts

The issue with ancient artifacts is that people will come across them and decide to ruin them in some way.
One tourist carved his name into an ancient wall of Pompeii, which led to his arrest. Most ancient artifacts have a look but don’t touch recommendations, and this needs to be respected.
Other Wooden Items Have Been Found

The wooden structure isn’t the only wooden item found. Other items include a wedge and a split branch with a notch that could have been used as a trap.
The more items found in this area and across other regions from the same era, the more detailed information it gives to archaeologists and researchers from this time.
Earliest Evidence of Using Wood

The discovery of this wood is currently believed to be the earliest evidence of using wood to craft items. This is in terms of using it for this purpose deliberately and not by accident.
Before this, the only evidence we had for using wood for things was for the use of making fire, digging sticks and spears.
A Showcasing of Skills

The main thing this wooden structure can showcase is the skillset of those who were on Earth before Homo Sapiens.
It shows the degree of coordination, skill, and cognition that our ancestors had, something that was previously believed not to exist.
Marks on the Wood

The key indicator of the skills used to create the wood was the stone tool cut-marks that are present in the wood, which shows the craftmanship that was used to create it.
As the wooden structure is still relatively intact, archaeologists can study it further to gain more information.
Not Underestimating Our Ancient Relatives

One of the most important lessons with this wooden structure is to stop underestimating our ancient relatives.
The finding clearly shows that they were clever enough to develop the idea and figure out how to build it, and these efforts shouldn’t be diminished.
Not Knowing Who Created It

As the wooden structure was created before Homo Sapiens existed, it is currently unknown precisely who would have sourced the wood and created a structure out of it.
Current beliefs are that it could have been Homo Heidelbergensis or a species that is similar to Homo Naledi. However, others also could have created it.
Oldest Wooden Discovery

The wooden structure found in Zambia is one of the oldest wooden structures on the planet. However, the one that takes the title was found in Clacton-on-Sea, Essex, in 1911.
The item found was a wooden spear that is 400,000 years old and was found in prehistoric sands. Due to it being wood, anything this old is often challenging to come across.
Ancient Wood Can Rarely Be Found

This discovery is made even more special because ancient wood is rarely found because it tends to rot away over the years and disappear.
The water at Kalambo Falls has permanently high water levels, which preserved the wood and helped archaeologists and researchers gain a deeper understanding of ancient times.