Retirement Mistakes Boomers Continue to Make

By: Georgia | Published: Mar 01, 2024

Gone are the days when retirement was mostly a matter of waiting for your pension checks to roll in. Since the 1980s, the baton has been passed to individuals, with 401(k)s and similar plans becoming the norm.

This change means the stakes are higher and the margin for error slimmer. As many Boomers reach their golden years, they’re discovering that securing a comfortable retirement requires more than just saving: it demands wise, informed decisions. Here are some of the most common retirement mistakes Boomers are making, so you can avoid them.

The Peril of Ignoring Portfolio Risk as Retirement Nears

As retirement approaches, adjusting your investment portfolio for risk becomes crucial. Certified Financial Planner Rachael Camp emphasizes the importance of shifting towards lower-risk investments like cash and bonds as you near retirement.

A close-up image showing a stack of United States currency, specifically hundred dollar bills, with the face of Benjamin Franklin visible, placed on a wooden surface

Source: Nathan Dumlao/Unsplash

This strategic realignment helps safeguard against market volatility, ensuring a steadier financial base as one transitions from earning a regular income to relying on retirement savings. Camp stresses the value of cash reserves, suggesting that retirees maintain one to three years’ worth in cash to navigate through bear markets without compromising their financial stability.

Timing Social Security Benefits Incorrectly

Decisions regarding when to start receiving Social Security benefits are pivotal. Taking benefits too early can result in significantly reduced monthly payments.

An elderly couple is sitting closely together on a wooden bench on a pier, looking out at the ocean. They are seen from behind, gazing at the waves

Source: James Hose Jr/Unsplash

Julie Virta emphasizes the importance of comparing the benefits of taking Social Security at full retirement age versus delaying until age 70. Planning around Social Security, especially when coordinating with a spouse’s benefits, can optimize the total income received during retirement years, affecting how much one needs to withdraw from their investment portfolio.

The Risk of Withdrawing Too Much, Too Soon

The temptation to withdraw substantial amounts from retirement savings can jeopardize long-term financial security.

An assortment of rolled U.S. currency notes in various denominations, including one, five, ten, and twenty dollar bills, arranged side by side

Source: Pixabay

Miklos Ringbauer, a CPA, warns against depleting retirement funds prematurely, which can lead to increased taxes and reduced income over time. Establishing a sustainable withdrawal strategy, mindful of market conditions and personal financial needs, is crucial to preserving retirement savings and ensuring lasting financial independence.

Overlooking Healthcare Costs in Retirement

Healthcare expenses can consume a substantial portion of retirement savings. Virta advises incorporating healthcare spending into your retirement budget rather than viewing it as a separate entity.

View through window blinds of a hospital room, where an elderly patient is lying in bed with a head covering and a mask, next to medical equipment

Source: freepik

For those retiring before Medicare eligibility, exploring options like COBRA or the public marketplace is crucial.

Strategic Planning for Healthcare Costs

Exploring healthcare options in retirement is crucial, as Camp points out. The public marketplace offers alternatives, though costs can be high.

An elderly female patient in a wheelchair engaged in a conversation with a doctor in a medical facility. In the background, a male nurse is seen pushing a walker

Source: DC Studio/freepik

Strategic tax planning can unlock benefits like the premium tax credit to ease financial burdens. Diversifying investments across different account types and utilizing Health Savings Accounts can provide significant tax advantages and a buffer against healthcare expenses, granting more control over your financial health in retirement.


Not Maximizing Employer Match Benefits

BankRate notes that neglecting the employer match on a retirement account is like leaving free money on the table. This match is essentially a risk-free return on your contributions, instantly boosting your retirement savings.

A spacious office environment filled with employees working at their desks with computers

Source: Arlington Research/Unsplash

For instance, if your employer matches half of up to 6% of your salary, contributing the full amount effectively grants you a 50% return on your investment. Embracing this opportunity is a key step in optimizing your retirement planning, ensuring you harness every available benefit to build a more secure financial future.


The Dangers of Entering Retirement with High Debt

Fortune shares that carrying debt into retirement can severely impact financial security, potentially reducing the funds available for essential living expenses.

A person's hand is pulling out a blue Visa credit card from a black leather wallet

Source: Emil Kalibradov/Unsplash

The trend of increasing debt among older Americans demonstrates the importance of debt management strategies pre-retirement. Proactively addressing debt, whether through accelerated payment plans or adjusted retirement timelines, is vital to preserve retirement savings and maintain financial independence in later years.


Not Maximizing Pre-Tax Savings Opportunities

Many near-retirees fail to fully utilize pre-tax savings vehicles like 401(k)s and IRAs, according to Maya Sudhakaran, head of growth and acquisition at investing app Plynk.

A person in a gray plaid blazer is typing on a laptop. On the wooden desk, there are scattered U.S. dollar bills, a calculator, and printed financial graphs, suggesting a financial planning or budgeting activity

Source: Tima Miroshnichenko/Pexels

Maximizing contributions to these accounts, especially with potential employer matches, can significantly enhance retirement readiness. The additional catch-up contributions allowed for individuals over 50 provide a valuable opportunity to boost retirement savings, underscoring the importance of strategic financial planning in the pre-retirement years.


Underestimating Retirement Expenses

A common oversight is underestimating the costs associated with retirement, leading to financial shortfalls.

A photo showing an elderly couple with a young girl, presumably a granddaughter. The girl is sat on the knee of the man and they are all engaged in opening a card

Source: cottonbro studios/Pexels

Sudhakaran emphasizes the necessity of a comprehensive budget that accounts for all potential retirement expenses, including healthcare, maintenance, and taxes. A detailed and realistic financial plan is crucial for ensuring that retirees can sustain their desired lifestyle without the risk of outliving their savings.


Neglecting Old Retirement Accounts

Many individuals neglect to consolidate or manage old retirement accounts from previous employers. GoBankingRates explains that this oversight can lead to fragmented retirement savings and potentially less optimal investment growth.

An overhead view of two older people using a laptop

Source: freepik

Regularly reviewing and potentially consolidating these accounts can streamline one’s financial strategy, ensuring a more cohesive and efficient approach to retirement planning.


The Danger of Financial Misinformation

Ringbauer highlights a troubling trend: retirees falling prey to financial misinformation. Ignoring professional advice for seemingly lucrative opportunities can lead to catastrophic losses.

A woman is holding a stack of US currency and a pen. She is actively using a calculator and has a notebook and receipts on the desk in front of her

Source: Karolina Grabowska/Pexels

The allure of doubling one’s money can be tempting, but without sound investment strategies, such endeavors can jeopardize years of careful saving.
