Powell States the U.S. Is on an ‘Unsustainable Fiscal Path’ and That It’s not a Matter of Opinion

By: Georgia | Last updated: Feb 16, 2024

Jerome Powell, the Chair of the Federal Reserve, shared his concerns regarding the fiscal direction of the United States during a “60 Minutes” interview with Scott Pelley.

Powell said, “The U.S. is on an unsustainable fiscal path,” emphasizing that the growth of the national debt is outstripping the growth of the economy.

Record-Breaking National Debt Levels

CNN reports that the national debt of the United States has reached an unprecedented level, surpassing $34 trillion for the first time in history.

A rolled-up one hundred dollar bill wrapped with two red rubber bands is centered against a plain pink background

Source: freepik

This milestone was reported by the U.S. Treasury and reflects a concerning trend of rapid debt accumulation. According to Powell, “The debt is growing faster than the economy,” he said in the interview.


Congressional Delays on Fiscal Responsibility

The Hill reports that Congress has delayed addressing spending deadlines multiple times, showcasing a struggle to efficiently manage the nation’s fiscal affairs.

A photo of the United States Capitol Building, capturing the cloudy sky

Source: Andy Feliciotti/Unsplash

Since the end of September, there have been three instances of postponed decisions on government funding. These delays occur amidst debates on how to best manage the growing national debt, reflecting challenges in reaching consensus on fiscal policies.

Looming Deadlines for Federal Funding

The temporary measures passed by Congress to fund federal agencies are approaching expiration, with four agencies facing a deadline on March 1 and the remainder on March 8, The Hill explains.

Close-up view of the United States Treasury Department building's facade featuring the engraved inscription "THE TREASURY DEPARTMENT"

Source: Getty Images

This situation highlights the pressing need for decisive action to ensure continuous government operations and address the broader issues of fiscal sustainability and national debt management.

Political Standoff Over Borrowing Limit

A significant political standoff occurred last spring between President Biden and House Republicans regarding the borrowing limit, according to The Hill.

President Joe Biden stands at a podium with microphones, against a backdrop of an ornate golden-framed painting of a person on horseback, with American flags on either side of the podium

Source: Getty Images

The disagreement nearly led to a fiscal crisis, with the U.S. dangerously close to defaulting on its debt.

U.S. Credit Rating Downgraded Amid Debt Concerns

In response to the growing national debt and repeated standoffs over the debt ceiling, Fitch Ratings downgraded the U.S. credit rating from “AAA” to “AA+.”

A small American flag is suspended from a wooden ledge against a blurred indoor background

Source: Raúl Nájera/Unsplash

The downgrade reflects concerns about the fiscal health of the nation and the impact of political disputes on the United States’ ability to manage its debt effectively.


Economic Growth Amid Fiscal Warnings

Despite the concerns over national debt, Powell noted positive signs in the economy.

Jerome Powell stands at a lectern with the presidential seal, addressing a room of journalists during a press conference. Behind him are multiple American flags and flags bearing the Federal Reserve Board of Governors' seal

Source: Getty Images

He said in the interview, “The economy’s in a good place.” The economy has shown resilience with a growth rate of 3.3 percent in the fourth quarter of 2023, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis.


Inflation Trends and Interest Rate Adjustments

The Hill reports that inflation has decreased from its peak of 9% in the summer of 2022, with significant reductions achieved through the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy adjustments.

The Federal Reserve Building stands under a partly cloudy sky. The building features a grand entrance

Source: Wikimedia Commons

The Federal Reserve increased interest rates to address inflation, which has seen a reduction to 3.4 percent, via data from The White House.


Caution on Future Rate Cuts

The Federal Reserve, under Powell’s leadership, has indicated a cautious approach to future interest rate cuts.

Jerome Powell, wearing glasses and a blue suit with a red and grey striped tie, is speaking at a podium. The podium displays the emblem of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, and a microphone is positioned in front of him

Source: Getty Images

According to The Hill, during his “60 Minutes” interview, Powell suggested that rate cuts in March might not be forthcoming, stressing the need for a confident assessment of economic conditions before making such decisions.


Economic Indicators Influencing Monetary Policy

Powell highlighted that the Federal Reserve’s decisions on interest rates would be influenced by key economic indicators, CBS News notes.

A hand is placing a red arrow pointing upwards against a background of stacked coins, depicting a rising trend in financial growth. The scene includes a calculator and paperwork on a desk

Source: Freepik

He said in the interview, “The kinds of things that would make us want to move sooner would be if we saw weakness in the labor market or if we saw inflation really persuasively coming down.”


Fed Chair Addresses Political Pressure

Amidst political criticism, Powell reaffirmed the Federal Reserve’s independence, stating during the interview, “We do not consider politics in our decisions. We never do. And we never will.. And I think the record – fortunately, the historical record really backs that up.”

Jerome Powell, wearing a dark suit and tie, stands behind a podium with the Federal Reserve Board of Governors' seal, gesturing with his hands while giving a speech. The backdrop is a plain blue curtain

Source: Getty Images

This declaration emphasizes the Fed’s commitment to making decisions based on economic data and analysis, free from political influence.


Urgent Call for Fiscal Responsibility

Business Insider reports that Powell expressed a strong message regarding the need for fiscal responsibility, and the importance of not burdening future generations with current debt. He said, “It really should pay for those things and not hand the bills to our children and grandchildren.”

A front view of the United States Capitol Building, showcasing its distinctive columns and a domed roof, with the American flag flying atop

Source: Louis Velazquez/Unsplash

He also advocated for “an adult conversation among elected officials” to steer the federal government towards a sustainable fiscal path.


Analyzing President Biden's 2024 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal

President Biden’s budget proposal for the upcoming fiscal year marks a watershed moment in the commitment to affordable housing, addressing critical issues such as homelessness, public housing, and disaster recovery.

A 2021 portrait of President Biden wearing a suit and smiling in front of a US flag.

The White House/Wikimedia Commons

The proposed budget, with its focus on mandatory spending, underscores the administration’s dedication to creating transformative change in the housing landscape. Let’s look at key components of the budget and examine the impact on various housing programs and their potential to reshape the lives of millions.


Emergency Rental Assistance Program: A Pillar of Success

The budget proposal builds on the monumental success of the Emergency Rental Assistance program, a lifeline for millions of renters during the pandemic.

A man smiles while speaking on the phone at a desk. He is mostly obscured by computer monitors.

Berkeley Communications/Unsplash

With an infusion of $3 billion, the proposal aims to strengthen upstream prevention and eviction diversion. These funds will not only provide emergency rental assistance but also enhance renters’ access to critical resources, such as legal counsel, housing counselors, and court navigators.


Expanding Rental Assistance: Empowering Vulnerable Populations

Recognizing the unique challenges faced by youth aging out of foster care and extremely low-income veterans, the budget allocates $9 billion and $13 billion, respectively, to expand rental assistance.

Dark blue and orange apartment buildings in downtown Raleigh, North Carolina.

Brandon Griggs/Unsplash

This includes the establishment of a housing voucher program catering to the annual 20,000 youths aging out of foster care and the expansion of rental assistance for extremely low-income veteran families.


Addressing Capital Needs: Bolstering Public Housing

A critical aspect of the budget is the mandatory funding of $7.5 billion dedicated to addressing the capital needs of the most distressed public housing properties nationwide.

Area of Wynwood, Miami with heavy graffiti and construction equipment.

Erik Zünder/Unsplash

The infusion of funds aims to revitalize public housing infrastructure, with a particular focus on climate-related improvements. This move is crucial, considering the estimated capital needs backlog of over $70 billion in the public housing sector.


Revamping Tax Credits and Rental Assistance Contracts

President Biden’s proposal seeks to inject new life into affordable housing development by allocating $51 billion in additional Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC).

A coffee mug next to tax paperwork on a desk.

Kelly Sikkema/Unsplash

Additionally, a new Neighborhood Homes Tax Credit and mandatory funding for project-based rental assistance contracts aim to spur the development of affordable homes, with a focus on extremely low-income families. The White House’s commitment extends further to closing the qualified contract loophole that investors have exploited to evade federal affordability requirements in the LIHTC program.


Tenant-Based Rental Assistance: A Comprehensive Approach

The budget earmarks $32.7 billion to tenant-based rental assistance, a significant increase designed not only to renew all contracts but also to extend assistance to an additional 50,000 households in need.

The words "rents too high" scratch in white onto a black wall. There is some construction equipment on the floor next to the wall.

Jon Tyson/Unsplash

By leveraging program reserves, the proposal aims to expand assistance to an extra 130,000 households. The budget acknowledges the importance of prioritizing additional rental assistance for those facing homelessness or at risk, as well as survivors of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, or human trafficking.


Public Housing: Meeting Capital Needs

A substantial increase in the budget, amounting to $3.71 billion for the Public Housing Capital Fund, reflects the administration’s commitment to addressing the capital needs of public housing.

Biden's budget allocates substantial money to sustainable housing infrastructure.

Anders J/Unsplash

This includes a $300 million set-aside for climate-related improvements, aligning with broader efforts to promote sustainable and resilient housing infrastructure. The recognition of the $70 billion capital needs backlog emphasizes the urgency of sustained investments to maintain services and improve living conditions for public housing residents.


Combatting Homelessness: Strategic Funding

The budget allocates $3.7 billion for Homeless Assistance Grants, marking a $116 million increase over the FY23-enacted level. This funding is strategically designed to renew existing Homeless Assistance Grants contracts and expand assistance to an additional 25,000 households.

A homeless person's tent on the street in downtown Los Angeles.

Source: Levi Meir Clancy/Unsplash

Priority is given to individuals experiencing various forms of violence and youth grappling with homelessness. The targeted resources align with the administration’s recently released Federal Strategic Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness, demonstrating a coherent and integrated approach to combating homelessness.


Support for Specialized Housing Programs

The proposed budget allocates $1.023 billion for the Section 202 Housing for the Elderly program and $356 million for the Section 811 Housing for People with Disabilities program.

An elderly woman wearing a floral shirt washes her hands in a sink.


While the former sees a slight decrease of $52 million compared to FY23, the latter is $4 million less. However, both programs receive set-asides to support the construction of an additional 2,200 units of affordable, accessible housing for people in the Section 202 or Section 811 programs.


Empowering Communities through CDBG Program

The budget proposes $3.415 billion for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program, with $3.3 billion earmarked for formula funding.

An aerial photo of fields showing land demarcations.

Julian Ebert/Unsplash

This represents an increase of approximately $100 million from FY23-enacted levels, excluding earmarked funding. Of the total amount, $85 million is set aside for a competitive program rewarding jurisdictions removing barriers to affordable housing developments, such as restrictive zoning. Additionally, $10 billion is dedicated as mandatory funding to incentivize jurisdictions to undertake zoning and land use reforms.
