Potential Cuts in Social Security: 5 Costs Retirees Should Eliminate in 2023

By: Georgia | Last updated: Nov 08, 2023

In 2023, retirees may face changes in Social Security benefits that could significantly affect their income. With more than 170 members of Congress backing proposals to raise the full retirement age, the financial landscape for retirees is shifting.

Additionally, the Old Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) Trust Fund is nearing depletion, which makes reevaluating spending more important than ever.

Rethinking the Need for Multiple Vehicles

Retired couples often find that the second car, which was indispensable during their working years, is now a financial burden. 


Source: FBO Media/Pexels

Eliminating the second vehicle can save on loan payments, insurance, maintenance, and fuel costs. This decision can provide crucial financial relief, especially with looming Social Security adjustments.


Frequent Dining Out

Dining out is a significant expense that can easily be reduced without compromising quality of life.


Source: Kevin Curtis/Unsplash

While the idea of cooking at home might seem daunting, it’s worth noting that supermarkets offer cost-effective prepared meals. Transitioning away from restaurant dining is a practical step towards financial stability.

Impulse Purchases

Unplanned expenditures, especially on large items like electronics or vacations, can heavily strain a retiree’s budget.


Source: Jacek Dylag/Unsplash

With the potential changes to Social Security benefits, retirees should reconsider impulse spending. Practicing financial restraint now could lead to more financial stability later.

Peak Travel Costs

Traveling during peak seasons can significantly increase expenses. Retirees have the flexibility to travel during off-peak times, providing opportunities for savings on hotels, flights, and car rentals.


Source: Upgraded Points/Unsplash

Being strategic with travel planning is another way to safeguard against possible reductions in Social Security benefits.

Reevaluating Financial Support to Adult Children

Supporting adult children financially can drain retirement savings, which is concerning given the potential changes to Social Security.

Source: Sweet Life/Unsplash

Surveys indicate that more than half of parents with adult children continue to offer financial assistance. The need to prioritize retirement savings may require a difficult conversation with adult offspring.


The Importance of Setting Financial Boundaries

Financial expert Suze Orman emphasizes the need for parents to have candid financial conversations with their adult children.

Source: Alexander Mils/Unsplash

In light of potential Social Security changes, it’s crucial for retirees to make clear that they cannot be the ‘family bank’ anymore.


Raising the Full Retirement Age: An Indirect Cut

Increasing the full retirement age may not appear to be a direct cut in benefits, but it has the same effect over the long term.

Source: Christian Bowen/Unsplash

It reduces the number of years a retiree can receive full benefits, which translates into reduced income during retirement years.


The Impending Depletion of the OASI Trust Fund

The OASI Trust Fund is predicted to run out of money in the next decade.

Source: Wikimedia Commons

Once depleted, Social Security would depend on payroll taxes, which are projected to cover only about 77% of the current benefits. The urgency to act is evident.


Congressional Moves to Address Social Security Issues

A group of lawmakers aims to balance the federal budget by cutting government programs, including Social Security.

Source: Getty Images

These proposals range from increasing the full retirement age to slashing benefits. These considerations are essential to note for any retiree or soon-to-be retiree.


The Inevitable Requirement for Social Security Reform

Various proposals are aimed at reforming the Social Security system before the OASI Trust Fund runs dry.

Source: Marc Najera/Unsplash

This could mean an overhaul of the system, including a reduction in benefits and a reliance solely on payroll taxes for funding. The urgency to prepare for these changes is clear.


The Imperative to Act Now

The impending changes to Social Security make it critical for retirees to reevaluate their expenses and make necessary cuts.

Source: Vlad Sargu/Unsplash

By reconsidering expenditures such as additional vehicles, dining out, impulse purchases, and high travel costs, retirees can better prepare for a future that may include reduced Social Security benefits.
