Mississippi Woman Scammed Out of Her Home of 20 Years Through ‘Dirty Deed’ Scam

By: Sam Watanuki | Published: Apr 25, 2024

Marcia Naylor, a widow residing in Mississippi, experienced an unimaginable nightmare when she was expelled from her home, a place of comfort and memories for over two decades. Her tragedy began unfolding two years after her husband’s sudden demise, leaving her to fend for herself and her two grandchildren.

Desperate to find a financial lifeline, Marcia was introduced to a company that exploited her vulnerability. Promising to “borrow money against my house to give me wiggle room,” as Marcia recounted to WREG News Channel 3 Memphis, this promise was the start of her downfall. Unbeknownst to her, this was a prelude to a scam that would strip her of her family home.

The Beginning of Misfortune

The death of Marcia’s husband marked the onset of a challenging period (via WREG News Channel 3 Memphis). With the loss of her partner of 28 years, the burden of single-handedly providing for her family became a daunting reality. The stability that once characterized their lives was now a thing of the past, as Marcia grappled with the financial implications of sustaining her household on a single income.

Screenshot of Marcia Naylor

Source: WREG News Channel 3/YouTube

In her search for solutions, she became an easy target for those with malicious intent, setting the stage for a series of events that would lead to an unprecedented loss.

A Deceptive Offer

In her quest for financial stability, Marcia was introduced to a company that seemed to offer a beacon of hope. A recommendation from a family member led her to believe this was a trustworthy solution. The company’s offer was straightforward — they would leverage her home to secure the funds she desperately needed.

A close-up view of a large stack of assorted papers and envelopes in a multitude of colors, including purple, white, and yellow, indicating a collection of mail, documents, or forms

Source: Alexander Grey/Unsplash

With trust in her heart and the weight of financial pressure bearing down on her, Marcia took a step that she believed would alleviate her struggles, not knowing it would lead to her greatest loss.

The Fatal Mistake

Marcia’s interaction with the company required her to share a copy of her deed of trust — a decision that would have dire consequences. This act, seemingly innocuous at the time, was the critical error that led to the eventual loss of her home.

A close-up image of two people at a desk, with the focus on their hands over a document. One person, likely a professional in a suit, is pointing with a pen to a specific part of the paper. Another person’s hands are also visible touching the paper

Source: pressfoto/freepik

She was assured that no formal signing was necessary, a reassurance that now echoes with the gravity of the consequences it entailed. This single act of trust marked the beginning of the end of Marcia’s ownership of her family home.

From Homeowner to Squatter

The turning point in Marcia’s ordeal came with the issuance of a quitclaim deed. This legal document, which she was unaware had been filed, transferred ownership of her home to someone else (via Investopedia).

A close-up image of one person's hand giving a set of keys with a house-shaped keychain to another person's hands that are joined together

Source: RDNE Stock project/Pexels

A judge in DeSoto County ruled against her, labeling her as a squatter in her own home — a home where she had lived and created memories for nearly two decades. The ruling was a declaration that upended her entire life, stripping her of her rights to her own home.

The Judge’s Ruling

In court, the company’s claims were favored, and Marcia was found to owe more than $19,000, in addition to losing possession of her property. The judge’s decision was a crushing blow, leaving Marcia not only homeless but also in debt.

Close-up of a wooden gavel with a brass band, resting on its sound block on a polished wooden surface

Source: Sora Shimazaki/Pexels

The legal system, which she hoped would protect her, had instead facilitated the loss of her family home based on the quitclaim deed — a document she never intended to sign away her life’s investment on.


A Race Against Time

The court’s decision gave Marcia a mere few days to vacate the premises, forcing her to scramble for alternative housing for herself and her grandchildren. The emotional toll of leaving behind a home filled with memories, coupled with the practical challenges of finding a new place to live under such stressful circumstances, was overwhelming.

Suitcase and cardboard boxes stacked in front of a chair

Source: Ketut Subiyanto/Pexels

Marcia faced the daunting task of uprooting her life and starting anew, all within an unimaginably short timeframe.


A Teacher’s Struggle

Marcia’s professional life as a school teacher and bus driver exemplifies her dedication and hard work. Despite the multitude of jobs she undertook, “I’m a school teacher, bus driver and [will do] any other hustle I can find … to try to make ends meet,” she expressed to WREG, showcasing her relentless pursuit to support her family.

A woman in a blue shirt appears stressed from work as she sits at her white desk

Source: Freepik

This statement underscores the desperation and determination of a woman fighting against all odds to provide a stable life for her grandchildren amidst a maelstrom of challenges.


The Dark Side of Quitclaim Deeds

The misuse of quitclaim deeds in scams has become a growing concern, with Marcia’s story serving as a stark example. The Better Business Bureau warns that these legal instruments, while designed for straightforward property transfer, are increasingly exploited by scammers.

A man wearing a ring signing a document on a wooden table

Source: Matthias Zomer/Pexels

These fraudulent acts deceive homeowners into signing away their property rights, often leaving them without a home and with limited recourse to reclaim what was rightfully theirs.


How to Protect Yourself

To prevent falling victim to scams similar to Marcia’s, the Better Business Bureau advises homeowners to vigilantly check their property records, monitor their credit, and thoroughly understand the implications of any legal documents they sign, especially when it involves transferring property ownership.

A woman stamps legal paperwork. A computer and stamp pad can be seen in the foreground

Source: Pixelshot/Canva

Awareness and caution are key in safeguarding one’s property against such deceitful schemes.


Marcia’s Warning to Others

Through her harrowing experience, Marcia Naylor has become an inadvertent advocate for caution and awareness among homeowners. Her story is a reminder of the vulnerability homeowners face and the importance of seeking independent legal advice before engaging with any company offering financial relief through property dealings.

A row of houses lined up on each side of the street in Florida.

Source: Ameer Basheer/Unsplash

Marcia’s ordeal is a lesson for all on the risks of navigating legal and financial assistance without proper guidance.


Seeking Justice and Moving Forward

Marcia Naylor’s journey from a homeowner to a victim of a scam is a powerful narrative that highlights the broader issues of trust, vulnerability, and the need for greater protection against property fraud.

A statue of the blindfolded ‘Lady Justice.’

Source: Tingey Injury Law Firm/Unsplash

As she seeks justice and aims to rebuild her life, Marcia hopes her story will serve as a cautionary tale, preventing others from experiencing similar fates.
