Kennedy Family Members Endorse Joe Biden Over Relative RFK Jr

By: Alex Trent | Published: Apr 19, 2024

In a stinging rebuke to RFK Jr, prominent family members of the Kennedy political dynasty took to the stage in Philadelphia during a campaign event to give a full-throated endorsement to the presumptive Democrat nominee Joe Biden.

This endorsement comes as the feud between Biden and RFK Jr. is escalating, with Kennedy recently calling Biden a bigger threat to democracy than Trump.

Biden Endorsement

Several Kennedy family members stood beside President Biden with one speaking at his campaign re-election event. Kerry Kennedy, who is RFK Jr.’s sister, called Biden “my hero.” She listed some of Biden’s achievements and said that the late President John F Kennedy would have been pleased with him.

President Joe Biden stands at a podium with a smile, speaking into microphones against a backdrop of the American flag

Source: POTUS/X

“President Biden has been a champion for all the rights and freedoms that my father and uncle stood for,” Kerry Kennedy said.


Kennedy Name

The Kennedy family has had to deal with multiple family member assassinations over the years. President John F Kennedy was assassinated during a motorcade procession in November 1963.

President John F. Kennedy pictured in 1963.

Source: Cecil Stoughton/Wikimedia

Five years later in 1968, John’s younger brother Robert, also known as RFK or Bobby, was assassinated during a run for president while he was a US Senator. The Kennedy family name is well-respected and iconic in American politics with younger generations continuing to run for public office.

Calling Out Trump

In her introductory speech, Kerry Kennedy criticized Trump for his behavior.

Close-up of former President Donald Trump speaking into microphones, looking upwards with his mouth open, against a dark background

Source: Wikimedia Commons

“Donald Trump is running to take us backward, attacking the most basic rights and freedoms that are core to who we are as Americans,” she said. “He has said he will be a dictator on day one, even saying he wants to try to suspend the Constitution.”

Outrageous Lies

Kerry would go on to describe how horrified Trump’s actions would have been to her father, calling Trump an outrageous liar.

A close-up of Donald Trump with a microphone in front of him against a blue backdrop with a blurred seal emblem

Source: Wikimedia Commons

“I can only imagine how Donald Trump’s outrageous lies and behavior would have horrified my father, Robert F. Kennedy, who proudly served as Attorney General of the United States, and honored his pledge to uphold the law and protect the country,” she said.

Nearly Every Kennedy

In remarks that seemed to subtly shade RFK Jr., Kerry Kennedy remarked on the Kennedy family’s near-total support for Joe Biden’s presidency.

Biden shakes Jack Schloss' hand while Caroline Kennedy smiles.

Source: The White House/Wikimedia

“That’s why nearly every single grandchild of Joe and Rose Kennedy supports Joe Biden. That’s right, the Kennedy family endorses Joe Biden for president,” Kerry Kenedy said. Joe and Rose Kennedy are the parents of both JFK and RFK.


Biden Honored

Biden appeared touched by the ringing endorsement and the words from Kerry Kennedy. A few moments after she finished speaking Biden described the endorsement of support from the Kennedy family as “an incredible honor.”

An official photo of Joe Biden in front of the flag.

Source: The White House/Wikimedia

He would also go on to say that it was the most meaningful introduction that he had ever received, except for the one from his sister.


Contrast With Trump

In Biden’s speech, he used the endorsement by the Kennedy family to draw a contrast between him and his election opponent Donald Trump.

Donald Trump is pictured from a side angle, looking towards the audience with a slight smile on his face

Source: Wikimedia Commons

“The 2024 election is about two fundamentally different visions for America,” Biden said. “Donald Trump’s vision is one of anger, hate, revenge and retribution. He embraces the insurrection of January 6, he’s running on it, and has promised to be a dictator on day one.”


Enduring Violence

Continuing this thought, Biden brought up how Trump is one who rushes to violence while the Kennedy family is one who endures violence.

A crowd of people with American flags and Trump banners gathered in front of the United States Capitol building, with some individuals climbing the scaffolding

Source: Wikimedia Commons

“He calls for another bloodbath when he loses again. Your family, the Kennedy family, has endured such violence. I have a very different view of America. One of hope and optimism, like I hope all of you do, an optimism Bobby Kennedy embodied,” Biden said.


Show of Support

In total, there were 15 members of the Kennedy family present at the event, likely to show a unified front of support against their relative RFK Jr. despite not mentioning him.

President Joe Biden, wearing sunglasses and a blue suit, smiles as he speaks at a lectern outdoors with a wooden backdrop

Source: POTUS/X

When asked in a CNN interview about her brother RFK Jr. Kerry Kennedy said “We have a big family and we have a lot of discussions. Today is not about my brother Bobby. Today is about America, it’s about freedom, it’s about democracy.”


Nobody Compares to Biden

In an interview with ABC, Kerry Kennedy rejected the notion that RFK Jr. is the one who can carry on Kennedy’s political legacy.

Joe Biden stands on stage with his hands in his pocket.

Source: Eric Haynes/Wikimedia

“I think nobody competes with President Biden when it comes to carrying on the legacies of John Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, and Ted Kennedy. He’s spent his whole life working on behalf of working people,” said Kerry Kennedy.


RFK Jr.’s Comments

In a social media post on X, RFK Jr. commented on the news that members of the Kennedy family would be endorsing Biden instead of him.

Independent presidential candidate RFK Jr speaks in 2023.

Source: Tom Williams/Wikimedia

“I hear some of my family will be endorsing President Biden today. I am pleased they are politically active — it’s a family tradition. We are divided in our opinions but united in our love for each other,” RFK Jr. wrote.
