“I’m out of Money” Mike Lindell MyPillow CEO Claims He is Out of Funds and Can’t Pay Legal Team in Defamation Case

By: Georgia | Last updated: Oct 18, 2023

Mike Lindell, the CEO of MyPillow, is currently navigating a serious financial issue, compounded by an inability to afford his legal representation in an ongoing defamation lawsuit. 

His attorneys have sought the court’s approval to withdraw from the case, citing non-payment as the primary reason. This development reveals a complicated situation involving legal challenges, financial hardships, and consequential public ramifications.

Confronting a $1.3 Billion Lawsuit

Lindell is the defendant in a $1.3 billion defamation lawsuit initiated by Smartmatic and Dominion Voting Systems. Attorney Andrew Parker disclosed that Lindell has unpaid legal fees amounting to millions of dollars, raising concerns about his financial solvency.


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The lawyers involved face the prospect of continuing a legal battle without the assurance of payment, underscoring the severe financial constraints Lindell is experiencing.


Unsettled Legal Fees

Payments to Lindell’s attorneys have been inconsistent, resulting in the legal team considering their position. According to court documents, they received a late payment in May, but no payments followed in July and August. 


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This inconsistency has caused uncertainty, with Lindell’s legal defense hanging precariously in the balance, and the lawyers seeking permission from the court to withdraw their services.

MyPillow Products Dropped

The discontinuation of MyPillow products by prominent retailers, including Walmart, is another challenge Lindell is facing. This decision by the retailers is linked to Lindell’s public endorsement of controversial claims regarding the 2020 presidential election. 


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In April, a separate legal issue required Lindell to pay $5 million to a software engineer for contract breach, exacerbating his financial woes.

Contract Breach Penalty

Lindell was sanctioned with a $5 million penalty after losing a case involving a contract breach with a software engineer. This verdict stemmed from his assertions made during the “Cyber Symposium” in South Dakota, where he attempted to validate claims of election interference. 


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Despite these setbacks, Lindell has not declared bankruptcy, although he acknowledges the substantial financial impact on MyPillow.

Financial Repercussions

The CEO’s public support for allegations of election fraud has led to substantial repercussions, including a $1.3 billion defamation lawsuit. Lindell disclosed a $100 million loss for MyPillow, following his public statements, as reported by WCCO. 

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These developments highlight the intertwining of legal and financial challenges that are impacting both Lindell and the MyPillow brand significantly.


Company’s Financial Strain

While bankruptcy is not an option Lindell is considering, he admits to the financial strain MyPillow is undergoing. The multiple legal cases and the substantial financial losses have positioned the company in a precarious situation.

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These unfolding events are being closely monitored, as stakeholders and the public are keen to understand the evolving implications for Lindell and his business.


Legal Representation Crisis

The legal firm Parker Daniels Kibort has alerted Lindell and MyPillow to the impending crisis of legal representation due to unsettled bills. The financial challenges are intertwined with legal complexities, creating a multifaceted problem. 

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As developments continue to unfold, each revelation contributes to the ongoing narrative of legal and financial strain that is currently defining Lindell’s public and business persona.


Legal and Financial Implications

Lindell’s unwavering stance on the 2020 presidential election fraud claims has resulted in significant legal and financial complications.

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The defamation lawsuit, coupled with the discontinuation of MyPillow products by retailers, has amplified the challenges. These events are integral to understanding the complexity and breadth of the issues that Lindell and MyPillow are currently contending with.


Public Scrutiny

Lindell’s ongoing legal battles and financial setbacks are occurring under intense public scrutiny. 

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With the defamation lawsuit and unpaid legal fees presenting significant challenges, the narrative surrounding the CEO and his company is increasingly characterized by legal entanglements and financial strain. 


Legal Judgement Pending

As the court’s judgement on the defamation case is pending, the public, business, and political sectors are closely watching. 

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The combination of financial difficulties and public backlash continues to shape a narrative of uncertainty and challenge for the MyPillow CEO.


The Road Ahead for MyPillow

The coming days and months hold uncertainty for Mike Lindell and his company, MyPillow. 

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With the ongoing lawsuit, financial challenges, and commercial setbacks, there are many unanswered questions about the future trajectory of both the entrepreneur and his business enterprise.
