Illinois Woman Sues Target for Unauthorized Biometric Data Collection

By: Georgia | Published: Apr 16, 2024

An Illinois woman has taken a bold step by suing Target, accusing it of secretly gathering her biometric data—such as facial and fingerprint scans—without her consent. 

Her legal action casts a light on urgent privacy issues and raises doubts about the commitment of major retailers to comply with stringent privacy regulations.

Core Issue Exposed

Filed in Cook County, the lawsuit accuses Target of covertly employing facial recognition technology to collect biometric data from its patrons. 

Interior of a Target store in a shopping center, featuring the store's entrance with the red and white Target logo, shoppers in the foreground, and a variety of merchandise visible in the background

Source: Wikimedia Commons

Such practices have sparked significant concerns about the balance businesses maintain between operational needs and the privacy rights of individuals.


Legal Boundaries Breached

Target is under scrutiny for potentially violating the Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA), with claims that it failed to secure necessary customer consents. 

Modern exterior of a Target store with red paneling, the Target logo, and a glass facade, flanked by palm trees and clear skies

Source: Wikimedia Commons

The legal complaint specifically states, “Target does not notify customers of this fact prior to store entry, nor does it obtain consent prior to collecting its customers’ Biometric Data.”

Clarifying BIPA’s Intent

Established to safeguard Illinois residents from unauthorized biometric data usage, BIPA requires companies to be forthright.

Inside view of a Target store showcasing customers using a set of escalators between floors, with clear signage for cart usage and store layout

Source: Wikimedia Commons

The current allegations against Target indicate a disregard for these protective measures, potentially exposing customer data.

Inalterable Nature of Biometric Data

The complaint underlines the unchangeable nature of biometric data, which, unlike passwords, cannot be altered. 

Close-up of a fingerprint being scanned on a digital biometric sensor illuminated with a blue light

Source: George Prentzas/Unsplash

“Biometrics, however, are biologically unique to the individual; therefore, once compromised, the individual has no recourse,” it asserts, spotlighting the severe implications of such security breaches.

Surveillance Extends Beyond Theft Prevention

What was initially a strategy to curb theft now reportedly includes capturing facial data of shoppers without their permission. 

Black and white image of an outdoor surveillance camera mounted on a wall, indicative of security measures in public spaces

Pawel Czerwinski/Unsplash

This expansion of surveillance raises complex questions about the intersection of privacy and security.


Advocating for Broad Consumer Rights

Plaintiff Arnetta Dean is not only defending her personal rights but is also championing the rights of all Illinois residents facing similar privacy invasions.

A late evening view of a Target store's facade featuring the red and white Target logo with a tree to the left and cars parked in front

Source: Shabaz Usmani/Unsplash

She seeks reparations and is calling for rigorous enforcement of privacy laws to avert future breaches.


High Stakes for Non-Compliance

Should Target be found guilty of violating BIPA, the consequences could be severe, with fines ranging from $1,000 for negligent violations to $5,000 for intentional or reckless violations.

Bird's eye view of a Target store showing the expansive flat rooftop with HVAC units, the store's large red and white logo on the side, and the surrounding parking area

Source: Wikimedia Commons

Such penalties demonstrate the hefty financial risks associated with failing to respect privacy laws.


Trailblazing Legal Terrain

This case is part of an expanding series of biometric privacy lawsuits, highlighted by a recent $650 million settlement from Facebook.

The Meta logo, consisting of a blue infinity symbol, displayed on a sign at 1 Hacker Way, surrounded by lush greenery

Source: Wikimedia Commons

It stresses the increasing scrutiny on how firms manage sensitive biometric information.


Transformative Impacts on Retail

A judgment against Target could trigger a comprehensive reassessment of biometric data practices across the retail sector, Fox Business notes.

Front view of a Target store entrance framed by tall palm trees under a clear blue sky, with bicycles parked out front

Source: Wikimedia Commons

Such a verdict would likely tighten regulatory oversight and reshape privacy management in customer relations.


Navigating Future Challenges

As the proceedings advance, the retail industry closely observes Target’s next steps—whether to settle the allegations or fight them in court.

Inside view of a Target store entrance with glass doors decorated with red and white Target circles, and the store's name in bold red letters above

Source: Wikimedia Commons

Their strategy will likely influence how privacy laws are enforced against other large enterprises in the future.


Reflecting on Broader Implications

The lawsuit highlights the ongoing struggle to balance technological advancements with the necessity for strong privacy protections.

A multitude of black surveillance cameras mounted on a dark brick wall in a grid pattern, symbolizing extensive security monitoring

Source: Lianhao Qu/Unsplash

The results could profoundly influence consumer rights and corporate obligations, potentially reshaping how businesses operate across various industries.
