Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is now backpedaling on his “half-baked” plan to redevelop state park land into golf courses.
According to DeSantis, this information was leaked to left-wing groups in order to form a narrative against him. This backpedaling comes after both Democrats and Republicans blasted the idea of converting untouched park land into business developments.
The Great Outdoors Initiative

This latest controversy revolving around DeSantis began when the Florida Department of Environmental Protection released a press release about the “Great Outdoors Initiative.”
This project detailed how nine state parks in Florida would have parts of them converted into businesses and golf courses.
Creating Golf Courses on State Land

This release further explained that state parks would feature everything from golf courses to large hotels.
The statement said that “the initiative will increase the number of outdoor recreation opportunities available at Florida’s state parks, including pickleball, disc golf, golf and paddling.”
Bringing More Floridians to State Parks?

The release also stated that DeSantis’ project was intended to bring more Floridians — and visitors — to state parks around the Sunshine State.
“Today’s announcement reinforces the DeSantis Administration’s record support for conserving our natural landscapes and commitment to ensuring every Floridian can visit and recreate at Florida’s state parks,” the release said.
Critics Protest Against the Idea

Immediately after this release made news, Floridians throughout the state expressed their deep disapproval of it.
Protests even formed outside of various state parks, as locals don’t want to see the untouched nature in the state develop into business opportunities.
This Isn’t a Political Issue

Various critics have come out to explain that they’re fully against DeSantis’ project — and that this has nothing to do with politics.
Both Democrat and Republican Floridians are seemingly overwhelmingly against this plan, as they want to keep their state parks untouched and free from golf courses.
Lawmakers Criticize DeSantis’ Plan

Many Democratic lawmakers in Florida quickly came out to blast DeSantis for thinking that he could easily enact this proposal.
However, they weren’t alone. A large amount of Florida Republicans also came out to express their disapproval of this plan.
Environmentalists Attack Project

While many Floridians disagreed with DeSantis’ plan, as they wanted to keep state parks untouched, many activists and environmentalists pointed out that state parks are the only areas left of Florida where endangered species can live and thrive.
If these lands are taken away from them, and if their habitats are destroyed, more species could become extinct.
DeSantis vs Environmentalists

This isn’t the first time DeSantis has gained the ire of environmentalists and activists. Earlier this year, DeSantis signed a law striking the phrase “climate change” from much of government policy.
DeSantis has long called climate change a hoax. Now, Florida cannot legally pursue climate change policies when it comes to energy policy.
DeSantis Backpedals

Now, DeSantis has backpedaled on pushing the idea, likely because of the fierce opposition many have towards it.
During a press conference this week, DeSantis explained that the “stuff” in the project was “half-baked”, as well as “not ready for prime time.”
Leaked to the Left?

Interestingly, DeSantis also insinuated that much of the plan wasn’t released naturally. Instead, it was leaked.
He said that this project was “intentionally leaked out to a left-wing group to try to create a narrative.”
Not Spending Money on This Project

DeSantis then claimed he wouldn’t spend time or money on this project if no one else wanted it.
He explained, “Here’s the thing, I’d rather not spend any money on this, right? I mean, if people don’t want improvements, then don’t do it.”