Finding money out of the blue can be a thrilling and unexpected experience, but it can also bring with it a sense of curiosity and hesitation. Where did this money come from? Is it really meant for me to have?
And what about when you have a sneaking suspicion that your own cat may be involved in the money’s sudden appearance? Now that’s worth investigating.
Mystery Money

It was becoming a bit of a mystery. At first, the man had shrugged it off as an oversight. He must have misplaced some money and forgotten. But the pile of cash continued to grow, and he couldn’t shake the feeling that something more was at play. After all, how could a few stray banknotes account for such a large and steadily increasing sum?
The man wondered if his feline companion was involved in the missing money. Could the cat be a thief, sneaking out at night to pilfer cash? It seemed far-fetched, but it seemed like the only explanation.
New Addition

Stewart’s love for animals, especially cats, knew no bounds. While not quite as passionate about their animals as Stewart was, his wife still loved and cared for them deeply.
Together, the couple had adopted three animals–a dog and two cats–all of whom were strays that they had rescued off the streets. While they were grateful to have given these animals a second chance at a happy life, Stewart felt something was still missing. That is until an American Curl showed up on their doorstep one day.
Forever Home

Despite some initial resistance, Stewart eventually convinced his wife to let him bring the stray cat into their home. The sad and lonely feline now had a warm and loving place to call her own.
Unfortunately, his wife had strict rules about bringing in any more stray animals, so Stewart had to keep the new arrival confined to his office. Stewart joked that the cat was like a staff member. Little did he know the cat would soon start bringing in money.
An Accident?

One morning, on a day like any other, Stewart arrived at his office. But as he opened the door to go inside, he noticed dollar bills lying on the ground. It was a bit odd, and Stewart wondered how they could have gotten there.
He figured someone must have accidentally dropped them, so he collected them and brought them inside, setting them aside at the front desk. He went about his day, but he would soon come to find his new cat was up to something.
Furry Co-Worker

The office staff adored the little stray cat that had taken up residence there. He would snooze on the desks, occasionally glancing at the computer monitors as if he was following along. He was also known to step on keyboards and send emails, causing a bit of chaos and hilarity among the staff.
Days later, Stewart was surprised to find another small pile of bills on the ground, right where he had discovered the first batch days before. So where was all this extra money coming from?
Seems Suspicious

Stewart couldn’t shake the feeling that the strange appearance of extra money at the office was somehow connected to his beloved cat. He couldn’t quite put his finger on what was going on, but he couldn’t help but feel that the furry feline was somehow involved.
Despite his suspicions, nothing else seemed off. Before long, a tiny fortune of $50 had amassed. Stewart knew that there must be some kind of explanation for this strange and perplexing phenomenon, and he was determined to get to the bottom of it.
A Closer Look

Due to the heavy traffic and bustling activity where the office was located, Stewart’s request for the installation of a security camera was quickly approved. Before long, the cameras were up and running.
After reviewing the footage, Stewart was relieved to see that everything seemed normal during the day. His cat wandered around as usual, causing a bit of mischief here and there. However, when the evening arrived, Stewart was in for a big surprise.
Mini Money-Maker

Stewart watched with fascination as the cat sat at the door, seemingly waiting for something. He saw a man walk past the door and pause as the cat tried to get his attention.
The man reached into his wallet, pulling out a dollar bill and uncrumpling it before slipping it through the crack in the door. The cat quickly snatched the money with her paw, greedily securing her prize. Stewart couldn’t believe what he was seeing.
Cash Grab

As the cat pulled in the money, Stewart could see it was a smooth and well-practiced move, as if the feline had been doing it for quite some time.
It seemed that his darling cat had figured out how to solicit money from unsuspecting passersby and was using her charm and cuteness to earn an income. Stewart was both amazed and a little bit concerned by this revelation. And things were about to take a turn for the more unexpected.
Kitty Fan Club

Stewart and the rest of the staff were completely puzzled by how the game had started or who had first slipped a dollar bill through the crack in the door.
As the days went on, the cat’s reputation as a savvy and resourceful moneymaker grew, and more and more people came to see if they could outdo her. It was a strange and amusing turn of events, and Stewart couldn’t help but be entertained by the sight of his beloved cat engaged in this unexpected and unconventional behavior.
Tricky Feline

The cat would sit at the entrance to the door, seemingly “uninterested” as people walked by. But as soon as he saw a chance to snag a dollar bill, he would quickly be called to action and claim it as his own. People would smile and film the clever cat’s antics, and before long, there was even a line of people waiting to take their turn and see if they could outsmart the mischievous feline.
But as the cat’s pile of cash grew, Stewart began to realize that they might have a problem on their hands.

Stewart and his team knew that it would be difficult, if not impossible, to return all the money that the cat had collected. And it wouldn’t be right to keep the money for themselves since it had been acquired in such an unusual way.
They decided to donate the money made from the cat’s activities to homeless and animal shelters in the area. It was the right thing to do, and Stewart felt a sense of satisfaction and pride knowing that they were using the money to help those in need. But their plan didn’t stop there.
Telling the World

In order to get the word out about their plan to donate the cat’s earnings, Stewart used some office supplies to create a sign that explained all about the cat and where the money would be going.
Thanks to the power of the internet, the little guy’s fame went through the roof almost overnight. Soon, Stewart and his team were finding their company emails and inboxes flooded with a new kind of mail–kitty fan mail.
Good Intentions

As the story of the cat’s money-making scheme spread, people from all over the world began to donate money to the cause. They were touched by the story and wanted to help in any way they could. Though they couldn’t all come to play with the cat, they did what they could.
Letters and packages poured in containing far more than just dollar bills. This surprising stroke of generosity and support sparked an important idea in Stewart.
Meet Cashnip

Until now, Stewart and his team hadn’t even given the cat a name! It had only been with them for a short period of time, after all. So they decided their furry little co-worker would be dubbed Cashnip. It was a fitting name that captured both the cat’s unconventional money-making skills and its playful and mischievous nature.
Stewart and his team were excited to welcome Cashnip into their family and give the little feline a name that he truly deserved.