California’s Ex-Top Republican Sends Stern Warning to Biden as Migrants Flood Wealthy Seaside Town

By: Georgia | Published: May 25, 2024

Newport Beach, known for its affluence, recently became the landing spot for roughly two dozen migrants arriving by boat, creating a stir as they dispersed into the community. 

This event was widely shared through a viral video, and Scott Baugh, a former leader in the California State Assembly, points directly to President Biden’s immigration policies as the root cause of such incidents.

Scott Baugh Challenges Current Immigration Policies

With an eye on California’s 47th Congressional District, Scott Baugh is not just running campaigns—he’s running against what he sees as lax border policies. 

Scott Baugh smiling and giving a thumbs up in front of his campaign posters for U.S. Congress, which read "Scott Baugh for Congress."

Source: ScottBaughCA47/X

“You have an open border, which is really an existential threat to this country,” Baugh warns, citing a staggering “10 million illegal immigrants” since Biden’s election.


A Pattern of Landings in Orange County

The recent event at Newport Beach is not an isolated incident, according to Baugh, but rather part of a consistent trend in Orange County. 

A serene sunset view of Newport Beach with the sun casting golden hues over the waves and sandy cliffs

Source: Getty Images

He argues that the frequency of such landings is transforming even affluent coastal communities into frontline towns affected by federal immigration policies.

State Policies Attracting Migrants

Baugh argues that California’s generous state benefits are a significant draw for migrants.

Aerial view of the U.S.-Mexico border showing a busy roadway parallel to a border fence, with urban areas on both sides

Source: Wikimedia Commons

He told Fox News Digital, “All they have to do is land on our shore, and they qualify for free health care, free education, and free benefits,” suggesting that these policies serve as a powerful magnet for illegal immigration.

Advocating for Policy Change

Scott Baugh is calling for a complete reversal of current state policies to stem the tide of migrants.

Scott Baugh speaking into a microphone at a public event, wearing a blue suit and gesturing with his right hand

Source: ScottBaughCA47/X

He emphasizes the need for tighter border security and enforcement, advocating for substantial changes to eliminate the incentives that currently attract migrants to the state.

Crime Rises as Enforcement Eases

Highlighting the unintended consequences of Proposition 47 and similar policies, Baugh criticizes these for their role in increasing crime rates. 

Close-up view of the side panel of a Los Angeles Police Department van with the LAPD logo and black and white design

Source: Wikimedia Commons

“These policies are inviting crime. And when you don’t enforce crime, guess what happens. More people commit crime, because there’s no consequence,” he explains.


Priorities if Elected: Border and Economy

Baugh is committed to addressing both the border crisis and the national debt if elected, linking these issues directly to the economic struggles, including inflation, faced by Americans today. 

Scott Baugh seated at a glass desk in a studio, dressed in a blue suit and red tie, with bookshelves filled with books and a night cityscape backdrop

Source: ScottBaughCA47/X

His plan is to “stop that, and we need to reverse course and set this country back on the right path.”


Voter Concerns to Shape Upcoming Election

Anticipating the upcoming elections, Baugh believes that voter frustration over crime, inflation, and flawed immigration policies will be key factors influencing their decisions. 

A sign reading "VOTE HERE" with an American flag design, placed outside a voting station where people can be seen in the background casting their votes

Source: Wikimedia Commons

He senses a strong desire for change among voters, which he thinks will drive them towards candidates who promise to address these issues.


A Rebuttal from State Sen. Dave Min

State Sen. Dave Min, Baugh’s Democratic opponent, positions himself as a pragmatic problem-solver. 

State Sen. Dave Min smiling, dressed in a black suit and blue tie, standing in front of white pillars

Source: Wikimedia Commons

He has criticized Baugh’s supporters for blocking what he describes as “the most conservative immigration deal in a generation,” which aimed to enhance border security and was backed by the Border Patrol Union.


Baugh’s Track Record and Ambitions

Scott Baugh, who served in the state assembly from 1995 to 2000 and as its minority leader for the final year, previously contested and narrowly lost to Democrat Rep. Katie Porter in 2022. 

Scott Baugh standing on a stage with U.S. flags and campaign banners, smiling and wearing a blue suit with a red tie

Source: Wikimedia Commons

He is now gearing up for another significant challenge in what remains a closely watched race.


Election Forecasters Eye 47th District

The contest for California’s 47th Congressional District is under intense scrutiny, with predictions ranging from “lean Democratic” to “tossup.” 

Scott Baugh speaking to a group of seated attendees at a community meeting, wearing a casual blue Hawaiian shirt

Source: ScottBaughCA47/X

The race is pivotal and could greatly influence the broader political dynamics within the region.


High Stakes in the 47th District

The upcoming election for the 47th Congressional District promises to be a battleground with far-reaching implications for both local and national policy directions. 

Scott Baugh with a group of supporters in a park, holding campaign signs for various candidates, including himself for U.S. Congress

Source: ScottBaughCA47/X

The community’s ongoing experiences with immigration will play a crucial role in shaping voter sentiment and determining the outcome of this closely contested race.
