Robert Bull is known around the U.K. and the world as a successful business owner and very ridiculously wealthy person.
However, Bull, who was named one of the richest people in the world last year by the Times, has just declared bankruptcy, and apparently, owes the bank hundreds of millions of Great British pounds.
Who Is Robert “Bob” Bull?

Before diving into his current financial mess, it’s important to understand just who Bob Bull is, and maybe more importantly, how he ended up as one of the richest men in the world.
Robert “Bob” Bull was raised in England to a family of successful entrepreneurs; his grandfather grew a caravan business from the ground up and Bob reported that he and his three sisters “were brought up with everything [they] could want.”
Losing It All (The First Time)

But then, Bob explained that his father “lost everything in the 1990s banking crisis.” and Bob was left with nothing.
In fact, only seven years ago, Bob told the media that he couldn’t even afford fast food for his family. He said, “I had to borrow the price of a KFC from my 12-year-old so my kids could have something to eat.”
Finally Making It Big

After several years of struggle, Bob Bull was able to finally revitalize his grandfather’s caravan business.
Bob saw a niche in the market—caravans, or trailers as they are called in the United States, that are designed with luxury in mind but at a price most people can afford.
RoyaleLife Was Valued at $5 Billion

RoyaleLife was, at first, extremely successful; it was valued at £4 billion, or about $5 billion. And just last year, Bob Bull claimed to have a personal net worth of a whopping $2 billion.
As a multibillionaire, Robert “Bob” Bull was named the 88th richest person in the world from on the Sunday Times Rich List.
The Sunday Times Rich List

The Sunday Times Rich List is certainly quite the feat for any entrepreneur, especially someone who couldn’t afford fast food just a few years ago.
Along with other billionaires like J.K. Rowling and the King of England, Bob gave a journalist from the Times a tour of his $10 million mansion and showed off his 12 super cars and personal bowling alley.
Bob’s Financial Blunder Comes to Light

Although Bob has everyone convinced hat RoyaleLife was wildly successful, it’s recently come to light that Mr. Bull had taken out 22 different loans to start and run the business.
And on Dec. 1, 2023, Bob was forced to declare bankruptcy. According to his lawyer, Bull currently owes almost $40 million to various banks around the U.K.
Living the High Life

This news comes as quite a surprise to many as Bob Bull has very publicly been living a life of extreme luxury and opulence.
Bob and his fiance Sara live together in a mansion in Norway, where Sara is from, with a professional butler, their horse, 12 super cars, six double garages, and a three-lane bowling alley.
Bull and Nisen’s Relationship

Bob Bull doesn’t have a personal Instagram, but his fiance, Sara Nisen, does. And she constantly posts of their lavish lifestyle.
Her photos show their home, cars, and extravagant vacations around the world in which the couple is apparently spending large amounts of money.
Entrepreneur Tony Barney Claims Bob Bull Owes Him $40 Million

It has now become public knowledge that one of the reasons for Bull’s bankruptcy is that he apparently owes fellow entrepreneur Tony Barney $40 million.
Barney claims that, according to a deed of settlement the two men reached, Bob was meant to pay him $1.5 million in April, but Bob never paid.
The Court Sided with Barney

The High Court in the U.K. sided with Barney when he took the case back to court in the fall; they told Bob that he would have to pay the total, $40 million, in full.
However, Bob is fighting back, claiming that Mr. Barney breached their initial agreement as Barney made a “clear and unequivocal promise” to keep their terms completely confidential.
What’s Next for Once-Billionaire Bob Bull?

It’s likely that Bob’s claim against Barney will not hold up in court and he will have to pay the $40 million. And this payment, as well as the hundreds of millions in loans he owes across the U.K., Bob Bull has officially filed for bankruptcy.
And although no one can tell the future, it’s highly likely that Bob and his fiance Sara won’t be going on any luxury vacations any time soon.