Biden Takes Another Hit Over Immigration

By: Georgia | Published: May 02, 2024

Gallup’s recent surveys have put immigration at the forefront of America’s worries. Over the past three months, 27% of Americans have named it as the nation’s most pressing issue. 

Released on a Tuesday, these figures could signal challenging times for President Joe Biden as he gears up for his reelection campaign.

Governmental Issues Rank Second

Close on immigration’s heels, 18% of Americans surveyed voiced concerns about governmental issues, ranking it as the second most critical problem, Newsweek reports. 

Aerial photograph of the White House showing its North front and expansive green lawns, surrounded by trees and adjacent buildings

Source: Wikimedia Commons

This growing unease among the populace could significantly shape the narrative as the political climate heats up.

Economic and Inflation Worries Loom Large

Economic strains and rising prices are also capturing American attention, with 17% worried about the economy and another 13% fretting over inflation.

Jerome Powell, Chairman of the Federal Reserve, speaking and gesturing during a congressional hearing, with people seated in the background

Source: Wikimedia Commons

These concerns underline the ongoing financial stress felt by many across the nation.

How Gallup Gathers Data

The data for this Gallup poll came from phone interviews with 1,001 adults across all 50 states, ensuring a comprehensive view of national sentiments.

President Joe Biden smiling in a blue suit and red tie, standing in front of an American flag during a public speaking event

Source: Wikimedia Commons

The results carry a margin of error of plus or minus four percentage points, providing a snapshot of American opinions.

Persistent Immigration Concerns

For three months running, immigration has topped the list of national concerns in Gallup polls.

A large group of migrants, including children and adults, standing and waiting behind a tall metal border fence under an overcast sky

Source: Wikimedia Commons

These findings signal a consistent worry among Americans about how immigration policies are being handled.

Questioning Border Control Effectiveness

A separate poll by Redfield & Wilton Strategies for Newsweek revealed that only 20% of Americans feel the country has control over its borders.

Crowded scene inside a border detention facility with many migrants, including children and adults, sitting and lying on the floor in enclosed areas marked by fences

Source: Wikimedia Commons

This significant doubt casts a shadow over the effectiveness of current border security measures.


Biden's Struggling Border Ratings

President Biden has consistently received low approval ratings for his handling of the border crisis, according to Gallup.

President Joe Biden smiling in a blue suit and red tie, standing in front of an American flag during a public speaking event

Source: POTUS/X

These figures reflect a general dissatisfaction with the administration’s immigration strategies.


Sinking Approval on Immigration

In a sobering turn, a February poll recorded just a 28% approval rating for Biden’s handling of immigration issues.

A large group of migrants, including children and adults, standing and waiting behind a tall metal border fence under an overcast sky

Source: Wikimedia Commons

As he approaches a critical reelection campaign, these numbers could prove troublesome.


A Surge at the Border

December last year saw a record-breaking number of 302,000 encounters at the U.S. southern border, reported by border agents.

Border Patrol officers and U.S. military personnel in camouflage gear engaged in a discussion beside a Border Patrol vehicle, with a tall border fence in the background

Source: Wikimedia Commons

This peak highlights the ongoing challenges faced by border security forces.


Shifting Trust in Immigration Management

Recent polling by PBS/NPR/Marist shows a notable shift in public trust regarding immigration management, with 41% favoring the Republican party over the Democrats, who received just 29% of the vote.

Red background with the letters "GOP" in white, accompanied by a small white elephant logo with three red stars, representing the Republican Party

Source: Wikimedia Commons

This change could reshape political strategies in the upcoming election cycle.


Biden's Base Divided on Border Policy

Newsweek’s March polling indicates a rift among Biden supporters, with 38% supporting the border wall and 34% opposed.

President Joe Biden, dressed in a light blue striped shirt, speaking into microphones at an outdoor event under a clear sky

Source: Wikimedia Commons

This split could complicate the President’s policy direction as he navigates through divisive opinions within his own base.


Democratic Strategy on Immigration Under Scrutiny

Senator Chris Murphy has voiced concerns over the Democratic approach to immigration, emphasizing the need for proactive discussion.

A group of migrants, predominantly male, seated along a dirt road in a rural setting, holding bags with belongings, waiting for assistance

Source: Wikimedia Commons

“I think it would be a big mistake for us as a party to not talk about immigration, given that they have gifted us with an ability to get on the offense,” he told Newsweek
