AOC Says Trump Is Willing to Sell the Country for a Dollar

By: Julia Mehalko | Published: Apr 03, 2024

Democrat Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was recently asked by Fox News about former President Donald Trump’s struggles to pay the $464 million appeal bond that is due on Monday.

In response to Fox News’ questioning, Ocasio-Cortez explained that she doesn’t have sympathy for Trump, nor does she trust him.

AOC Responds to Trump’s Struggles

Ocasio-Cortez’s comments come as many politicians — both Democrats and Republicans alike — have offered their own opinion on Trump’s legal issues, mere days before the former president is supposed to post an appeal bond.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez amid a dark background.

Source: nrkbeta/Wikimedia Commons

“He’s broke, and he’s willing to sell the country for a dollar in order to make whatever he needs for himself,” the New York representative stated


New AOC Comments

Ocasio-Cortez’s comments on Trump didn’t stop there. On Sunday, she joined CNN’s “State of the Union” show to further blast the former president amid his ongoing struggles.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez speaking into a microphone.

Source: Senate Democrats/Wikimedia Commons

“I think that what we are dealing with politically is the much larger and much more grave and serious pressure of having this judgment against Donald Trump, and him being in this degree of debt and the financial pressures that he is under, and what he is subject to do in order to obtain those assets,” Ocasio-Cortez said.

AOC Sees Trump as a Risk

Ocasio-Cortez also took the time to disagree with some analysts who believe that Trump shouldn’t have his assets taken away immediately if he cannot post an upcoming appeal bond.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez holding and speaking into a microphone.

Source: Matt Johnson/Wikimedia Commons

“I actually think that there is risk in not seizing these assets and the open window that exists in him trying to secure these funds through other means,” she explained. “We’ve seen a lot of interesting transactions happening with Truth Social and other means. And there’s a very real risk of political corruption.”

Treating Trump as a Regular Citizen

According to Ocasio-Cortez and many other critics of the former president, Trump should be treated just as every other American citizen is. So, if he breaks the law, he must pay the price.

Donald Trump speaking and pointing his finger.

Source: Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia Commons

“I think Attorney General James has been handling this case with tremendous skill. It’s ultimately up to her determination, but it is my belief that all people should be treated equally under the law. And if that seizure of assets would be pursued to any other American, then Donald Trump should be treated the same,” Ocasio-Cortez added.

What Other Democrats Are Saying

Other Democrats in Congress are repeating much of what Ocasio-Cortez is saying, but in their own words. Representative Jahana Hayes was also recently asked by Fox News about Trump’s appeal bond issues. 

Donald Trump clapping his hands amid a dark black and blue background.

Source: Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia Commons

While at first Hayes incorrectly said a jury had decided this case, the Connecticut Democrat then said this entire situation was out of Congress’ area of work. “It’s not in the hands of Congress,” Hayes explained. “So I think that people should obey the law.”


Republicans’ Views

Many Republicans, particularly those who support the former president, have come out to blast the New York ruling against Trump.

Donald Trump wearing a suit and raising his hand.

Source: Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia Commons

“We are seeing a [Department of Justice] that is weaponized, in many ways, against the American people, President Trump being a key target of that,” Republican Representative Michael Cloud stated


New Issues After Trump Ruling

New York Judge Arthur Engoron ruled that Trump had to pay more than $354 million in damages for fraud. This fine has increased to $464 million since the initial ruling, thanks to interest.

An aerial view of the New York City skyline seen in the daytime.

Source: Thomas Habr/Unsplash

In order to receive a stay while he tries to appeal this case — which he has repeatedly said he would do — Trump needs to post security or a bond. However, it appears that he’s struggling to do this.  


Trump’s Lawyers Sound the Alarm

Trump’s lawyers have already come out and sounded the alarm, as they’ve explained that Trump cannot find a way to secure a bond for this mass amount of money. According to his lawyers, this is “a practical impossibility.”

Donald Trump amid a black and blue background.

Source: Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia Commons

They’ve also explained that no bank or lender will give Trump this money because he doesn’t have a lot of cash on hand at the moment.  


Trump Contradicts Lawyers

However, the former president publicly contradicted his own lawyers after they claimed he didn’t have a lot of cash on hand. He denied their assessment that he couldn’t get a loan because of this reason.

Donald Trump in front of a microphone, wearing a MAGA hat, with an American flag behind him.

Source: Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia Commons

According to Trump, he has almost $500 million in cash. “I currently have almost five hundred million dollars in cash, a substantial amount of which I intended to use in my campaign for president,” Trump posted on TruthSocial.  


What Happens If Trump Doesn’t Pay

If Trump doesn’t pay his appeal bond before the Monday deadline, then a few different things could happen. Most notably, New York Attorney General Letitia James would begin to seize his assets.

Donald Trump wearing a suit in front of a dark background.

Source: Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia Commons

James has seemingly already made moves to allow this to happen, come the deadline on Monday. This could lead to Trump’s properties in New York being seized.


Difficulties Remain

Even if Trump doesn’t pay this bond, and James begins to seize his New York properties, many issues remain. There are many difficulties in seizing properties like this, as real estate attorney Adam Leitman Bailey has explained.

A close-up look at the Trump Tower in New York.

Source: Ludovic Toinel/Unsplash

“Bonds people do not like to use property as collateral because it’s hard to liquefy the asset if there’s a default, and for the attorney general this isn’t so easy either. It’s going to be very difficult to seize his properties. It takes a lot of work,” Bailey stated.
