Getting a job at a big company like Amazon right after college is like hitting the jackpot. Navdeep Singh, a promising software engineer from Washington State University, felt this excitement. Growing up with limited resources in Seattle, this job was more than an occupation for Navdeep. It was his key to a better life. He could comfortably provide for his family and not worry about money. Even luxuries like casually spending $10 seemed possible. Additionally, it allowed him to pay off his student loans quickly.
But as the saying goes, everything that shines isn’t always golden. Navdeep had heard whispers about Amazon’s tough work environment. However, he dismissed these as isolated cases. Like us, he believed he could thrive with determination and effort. Unfortunately, his first day showed him a different truth. His assigned mentor abandoned him during the system setup process despite being charged with guiding him.
A Newcomers Tale in Surviving in the Amazon

The first look at Amazon’s work environment offered no comfort to Navdeep. His mentor, who was supposed to guide him, couldn’t answer basic questions. This left Navdeep feeling out of place, like a fish out of water. Frequently, he was met with indifference or cold reactions when he tried to engage in conversation.
Then there were the demanding deadlines. Navdeep quickly noticed that often, the team worked late into the night and throughout the weekend. Adjusting to a new technology without a supporting hand, all the while managing the fast-paced environment, was a steep hill for the newcomer to climb.
The Double-Edged Sword of Expectations

Take Navdeep’s example. Despite managers’ reassurances about work-life balance and no weekend work, Navdeep felt trap. The looming deadlines demanded his undivided attention. Being caught up in this mess of confusing signals with a junior staff, and watching one of his senior colleagues being forced to change attitude made Navdeep feel rather trapped.
Navdeep’s mental health began to suffer due to these implicit expectations. Overwhelming doubts haunted his every decision, causing him to anticipate catastrophic outcomes even from minor errors. This overwhelming anxiety reduced his concentration and self-esteem.
When Enough is Enough

Navdeep did not make a rash decision to quit despite the turmoil. In fact, when he resigned, his superiors were completely surprised and sought to persuade him not to leave. However, their assurances of greater support felt false because they ignored Navdeep’s questions once more.
After leaving Amazon, Navdeep faced several struggles. His thought of his abruptly ending software engineering career sank him into depression. In a desperate attempt to escape his misery, he turned to LSD. Unfortunately, it led to a bitter end, getting him kicked out.
Rising from the Ashes

In the deepest pits, as the saying goes, light starts to emerge. Navdeep found his escape from the darkness through a simple ritual: solving a daily LeetCode issue. This small but constant routine became his lifeline. It eventually earned him acknowledgment from the Google team, and he secured a position.
Navdeep, however, reflects on whether he made the right choice in selection. Quitting meant leaving behind very high earnings, and he could have been given a severance package were it himself who had to be fired. However, he is strong in his belief that peace of mind cannot be bought. While Jerry’s experience at Amazon may have left him unsure, it also made him realize that he was good at creating content. His YouTube channel today is an example of his resilience and gifts.
Hometown Dreams – The Drive to Succeed

Raising the family flag with his mother and two brothers in the Seattle area hadn’t been smooth for Navdeep. He constantly yearned for a well-paying occupation to support those he held close. His degree in computer science was more than a pursuit of passion—stability. His mother might not have believed that his tech profession could earn him a six-figure income—it still felt like a dream.
Navdeep’s hunt for work took him to Amazon, degree in tow. The immediate relief of securing a promising role after college was overwhelming. At that moment, it seemed like he had leaped over the hurdle where financial uncertainty was but a tale of the past.
The Whispers Between Truth and Tale

Navdeep had also previously heard many stories about Amazon’s demanding work culture on platforms such as Reddit and Blind before starting. Some might discard them as overblown stories, maybe only half-true at best. He did the same, remaining optimistic that his dedication and work ethic would help him fit in.
Then, he dove headfirst into the Amazon world. On his first day, he was told not to ask questions, a strange command for a guy eager to learn. The environment felt distant, filled with awkward introductions and a vague sense of discomfort.
Hopes vs. Reality

Navdeep especially hoped for a mentor to guide him toward a smooth entry into the team’s routine. However, a simple question about system setup was met with a curt “Obvious.” His expectation of a mentor being his navigator vanished. He was on his own.
Support was in short supply, not only from the mentor. The work environment began to unfold like a series of contradictions. For a term suggesting guidance – “mentor” – the reality felt starkly solitary. Navdeep found himself always cautious while seeking help.
The Fast Lane of Amazon

Emails were the only way Navdeep could keep up with his coworkers’ work patterns. It became clear they worked nonstop, weekends, and into the wee hours. This was a serious wake-up call, showing Navdeep the breakneck speed he needed to maintain might not be sustainable for him.
Deadlines were tight. Navdeep felt tense due to the detailed schedules and intense supervision. For someone unfamiliar with most of the tech involved, there was little opportunity to learn as he went. It seemed like teamwork was minimal, and cooperation was lacking.
Reading Between the Lines

While management’s messages promoted work-life balance on the surface, a different message was quietly sent below the surface. Navdeep struggled to balance the promise of no late nights with the demand for meeting those tight deadlines. It felt like a double standard and a contradiction.
This conflict was not only challenging but also mentally wearing. Navdeep recalls a time when a fellow worker openly complained about the thankless job only to later retract his words under suspicious conditions. Incidents like this only added to his skepticism and discomfort.
Mental Struggles

Under such high-pressure conditions, Navdeep’s mental health suffered. The constant anxiety from the fear of making errors, coupled with a lack of coaching opportunities, began to wear him down. He felt less competent than his coworkers, leading to reduced self-confidence. Even simple, day-to-day tasks seemed monumental. The expectations kept piling up.
His mental state declined quickly. The extreme fear of making any mistake led to him being almost non-functional. What had once seemed like an exciting trajectory was now a severe stressor, bringing about feelings of worthlessness and insufficiency each day.
Amazon’s Response

Like a coin, there are two sides to this story. Amazon’s representative quickly noted that Navdeep’s account doesn’t perfectly show the company’s environment. They pointed to their high ranking on LinkedIn’s popular list and reaffirmed their dedication to employee well-being. But, as the representative correctly mentioned, Amazon’s unique work culture may not suit everyone.
What’s the key takeaway? Navdeep’s journey had highs and lows. It gave him a valuable lesson: Sometimes, you need to experience what doesn’t fit to find where you truly belong.