People have long debated how the universe was created. Was our world created slowly over time thanks to coincidences and evolution — or was there a God at work?
Science has actually hinted at the idea of an intelligence behind the universe’s creation in three major ways.
An Ordered Universe

For hundreds of years, scientists have worked at trying to uncover the mysteries of the universe.
Once upon a time, many thought that the universe and space was chaotic, with no rhyme or reason. However, scientists now believe that the universe was designed in an orderly fashion. Everything has its place, and everything works together to form life.
A Balanced Universe

Though many aspects of space, stars, and galaxies may seem completely unorganized, this actually isn’t the case.
The universe is balanced. As a result, some scientists have begun to hint that this could be a sign that a God or Creator is behind the assurance of this balance throughout all parts of the universe.
Balance Creates Life

Scientists have explained that this balance seen on Earth has allowed life to thrive over millions of years.
For example, if gravity — one of the main forces of nature on Earth — were just slightly off, life on Earth wouldn’t exist, as the formation of the sun and stars near us would be off.
The Earth Is Positioned Just Right

Meanwhile, scientists have also pointed out that the Earth is tilted at exactly the right angle it needs to be to allow for water — and therefore life — to thrive.
The Earth also rotates at exactly the right speed to ensure we get days and nights, which can help nature grow in an easy and beneficial way.
The Structure of DNA

The balance of the universe has caused many scientists to begin to point to some intelligence seen throughout Earth and space.
However, other scientists have theorized that an intelligent God or Creator could be behind life thanks to ongoing studies done on DNA.
Studying Genetic Codes

DNA carries all of the genetic codes of living creatures, such as humans and animals. However, this DNA is incredibly complex. Studies are still attempting to unravel more of DNA’s secrets.
Because of this complexity, new studies have begun to liken DNA to computer code. This has further caused researchers to theorize about the universe and religion.
Coincidence or an Intelligent God?

After scientists discovered the double helix formation of DNA in 1953, researchers began to really analyze this remarkable part of human life.
They found that DNA strands are incredibly complex. Some have stated that these sequences look like computer code written by a programmer. As a result, a debate has begun about whether DNA is the result of coincidence and evolution — or an intelligent Creator.
DNA Is Too Advanced

Proponents of this computer code theory believe that DNA sequences are too advanced for them to have happened naturally or through random evolution.
Many people have come out in support of the theory that DNA proves an intelligent God is behind life’s creation. Even Bill Gates has stated that DNA is an advanced computer program.
Analyzing the Creation of the Universe

The universe’s balance and the structure of DNA aren’t the only reasons why some scientists have begun to believe a God or intelligent Creator is behind the creation of the universe.
The idea of the creation of the universe itself has prompted many to believe that a finite beginning to life exists — and this beginning was first started by God.
The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory is the theory of the creation of the universe. Scientists have theorized that the universe is continuing to expand outward. Therefore, the universe has a starting point. It has a birth.
This has prompted many scientists to wonder what officially caused this “birth.” Though many theories have been brought up, they still remain ideas and none have been officially proven through science.
The Universe Is Expanding

Therefore, if the universe is expanding, then this means that planets and galaxies are moving away, farther apart, from some sort of a beginning.
It’s this beginning that has excited scientists — and allowed them to believe that God may have been the switch to start this universe in the first place.