2023 Was the Hottest Year on Record; Experts are Concerned

By: Georgia | Published: Jan 18, 2024

A report by the European climate agency has declared 2023 as the hottest year on record. With an alarming 1.48 degrees Celsius increase above preindustrial levels, the year approached the critical 1.5-degree threshold outlined in the Paris Climate Accord.

Samantha Burgess, Copernicus Deputy Director, warned, “January 2024 is on track to be so warm that a 12-month period will exceed the 1.5-degree threshold for the first time.”

The Implications of the 1.5-Degree Threshold

The 1.5-degree target is pivotal in mitigating climate risks.

A large wildfire is captured at dusk, with flames consuming a forest on a hillside. The sky is filled with a thick, orange haze from the smoke, which partially obscures the ridge of the mountain in the background

Source: Matt Palmer/Unsplash

Burgess explains the gravity of this situation, stating, “The 1.5-degree goal has to be (kept) alive because lives are at risk and choices have to be made” (via CBS News).


A Year of Extreme Weather Events

The effects of the record-breaking heat in 2023 were felt worldwide, leading to severe weather phenomena.

A solitary, weathered tree with a mix of dead and live branches stands in the center of a barren desert landscape. The tree's trunk is bleached and twisted, bearing the marks of harsh environmental conditions

Source: Juanita Swart/Unsplash

CBS News details how Europe and North America experienced heat waves, while Africa faced droughts. Additionally, torrential rains in Libya and wildfires in Canada highlighted the increasing severity of climate events.

Record Temperatures

According to Copernicus, 2023’s global average temperature was approximately 0.3°F warmer than 2016, the previous record-holder.

This image shows the remains of a forest that has been destroyed by harsh weather activities. In the background only few trees are standing, whilst the foreground is covered in debris

Source: Matt Palmer/Unsplash

Burgess notes, “It was record-breaking for seven months. We had the warmest June, July, August, September, October, November, December.”

Factors Contributing to the 2023 Heatwave

According to CBS News, the primary factor driving 2023’s unprecedented heat was the increased concentration of greenhouse gases.

An aerial image of an industrial area with chimneys emitting large clouds of smoke

Source: Marcin Jozwiak/Unsplash

Burgess attributes this to the burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas. Other contributing elements included natural phenomena such as El Nino, ocean oscillations, and increased solar activity, alongside the eruption of an undersea volcano.

A Historical Comparison of Global Temperatures

Business Insider reveals data from ancient tree rings and ice cores suggests that 2023’s temperatures might be the highest in over 125,000 years.

An aerial image of arctic icebergs. The ice is bright white in contrast to the surrounding water which is a deep blue colour

Source: Annie Spratt/Unsplash

Climate scientist Jennifer Francis from Woodwell Climate Research Center told CBS News, “2023 was probably the hottest year on Earth in about 125,000 years.”


Daily Temperature Records in 2023

The data from Copernicus shows the year 2023 set records in daily global temperatures. For the first time in recorded history, every day of the year was at least 1°C warmer than preindustrial times.

Trees in a mountainous area are on fire, with flames visible. Large clouds of smoke fill the sky

Source: Malachi Brooks/Unsplash

The year also saw days where the temperature exceeded the 1.5°C threshold, highlighting the urgency of addressing global warming.


Confirming 2023 as the Hottest Year

The Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) has confirmed that 2023 was the hottest year since records began in 1850.

An image of dry and cracked land, indicative of drought

Source: Mike Erskine/Unsplash

When compared against paleoclimatic data, C3S Director Carlo Buontempo said it was “very likely” the warmest year in the last 100,000 years. The planet’s average temperature was 1.48 degrees Celsius warmer than the 1850-1900 preindustrial period.


The Paris Agreement's Relevance in 2023

Reuters notes that the 2015 Paris Agreement aimed to limit global warming to 1.5°C. In 2023, Earth frequently approached this limit, with temperatures exceeding it on nearly half the days of the year.

A house is submerged in brown murky water. The house is surrounded by trees, with only the tops being visible as the trunks are also submerged in water

Source: Wes Warren/Unsplash

Professor of Climate Change at Newcastle University Hayley Fowler emphasized the need for urgent action, saying to Reuters, “The speed of change in the political world and the will to actually reduce greenhouse gas emissions is not matching the speed of change of extreme weather and warming.”


CO2 Levels and Their Impact in 2023

Carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere reached a new high in 2023, with concentrations peaking at 419 parts per million, as reported by Reuters.

This image shows a white car driving through a road which is surrounded by smoke and flames from a forest fire

Source: Marcus Kauffman/Unsplash

These escalating temperatures intensified weather-related disasters, including heat waves and wildfires.


Evaluating the Significance of 2023's Heat

The extreme heat of 2023 raises questions about whether this is an indication of an accelerating trend in global warming.

A silhouette of a firefighter tackling a large wildfire, behind the figure which is in the center of the image are lare flames

Source: second sight/Unsplash

Burgess admitted more research is needed to understand this phenomenon, stating, “Whether there’s been a phase shift or a tipping point, or it’s an anomalously warm year, we need more time and more scientific studies to understand” (via Reuters).


The Importance of Every Temperature Increase

The impact of even minor increases in global temperatures is profound. Climate scientist Friederike Otto highlights the significance of these changes, telling Reuters, “Comparable small changes in global temperatures have huge impacts on people and ecosystems.”

This image shows a yellow traffic light ahead sign that is engulfed in water as the result of flooding

Source: Kelly Sikkema/Unsplash

The economic costs are also escalating, with numerous climate and weather disasters causing extensive damage. This was evident as the U.S. faced at least 25 climate and weather disasters with damages exceeding $1 billion each (via NBC News). Similarly, Argentina and Spain suffered greatly, with droughts severely impacting soybean and wheat crops, respectively.
